Care to spend the evening with the Pertulle family?

Feb 15, 2010 01:45

"Can you believe that needlecream? She went and broke her computer. How lame."
"I would be ashamed of myself, If I were her."

Well, I managed to get back a lot of CC, thanks to you guys and your helpful links and whatnot.
It's making this whole process a lot easier. <3

Today I installed my clean templates and made my custom hood named "Ransford Revived"
And I made a family to get a feel for my CAS and decide what I still need.

I still haven't got all of my hacks, and I can't find the camera mod I was using.
So I had to take these pictures with the game camera, which is a lot more difficult than I remember.

Meet the Pertulles!

Elliot Pertulle, a serious fortune sim who has a more neat points than nice points. He likes blondes and hates cologne.
But he has big ears and a squishy nose. : ]

Donna Pertulle, a family sim with maxed outgoing and a lot of nice points.
She likes her men with some stubble and she feels formal wear is just a symbol of "conformity to the man".

Lieu Pertulle, a playful popularity sim with no neat points.
She likes creativity and charisma, and hates swim trunks.

Gill Pertulle, a shy knowledge sim with a lot of nice points.
He likes logical ladies and dislikes underpants, they make his package itch.
(He's my favorite, but don't tell the others.)

Lieu: I'm sorry, but if you'd like to play with Mr. Robottlekins you'll have to make an appointment.

Elliot: This is NOT the time for hugs! Because of your ignorance I have soiled myself!

Lieu: omgbreasts!

Gill has spotted his target.

Lieu: ew, no breasts on you!
Gill: Well, no. But I do have..

Gill: *whisper*
Lieu: oh.. *teehee*

Elliot: Oh, you think I'm gross? Well, go take a look at yourself. 


Really? Come on, you're better than that.

Well, at least you tried.

The End!

Have a nice day everyone!

ranseive, picspam, sims

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