Title: A Little Thing Called Destiny - Chapter Five Rating: T Warnings: None Summary: "So, now that we've bumped into each other a total of two times in less than half an hour, what do you say we introduce ourselves? I'm Jacob." The tale of two people brought together by fate. Pure fluff. AH. AU (Click to start from beginning.)
Title: All You Had to Do Was Ask Rating: M Warnings:Sexing teenagers and some curses here and there. Summary: Jacob has a naughty stash and Bella doesn't like it.
Title: The Hard Way to Learn a Lesson Rating: T Warnings: Suggestive language Prompt: J & B are passing texts at their school to each other and both get caught. Both have to read the texts out loud in class.
Title: Should've Stuck To The Garage Rating: M Warnings: Kids being dirty Summary: Third part to Kissing Your Brother Is Looked Down On In Society. It's been a week since Bella and Jacob were caught in the garage by Charlie. They spend time exploring being a couple.
Title: Ever Heard Of Knocking? Rating: T (just to be safe) Warnings: None Prompt: Bella wearing sexy lingerie (I don't care how she got it) and Jake catching a glimpse of it (again, I don't care if they're in a relationship or not) ;)
Title: I'm Sure To Need Therapy After This Rating: T Warnings: According to my pre-reader, don't drink liquids while reading this. Summary: Sequel to Kissing Your Brother is Looked Down On in Society. The awkward dinner and talk between Bella and Charlie.