Five things that are making me happy.

Feb 03, 2011 09:31

Idea taken from cereta . And also about a bazillion other places. Today is actually going really well, so I have a lot of things to be happy about and feel like writing them down!
  1. Coffee with chocolate milk in it happened before class this morning because I remembered to buy some last night! I've got a 7:30 class Tuesday and Thursday, and it's nice to actually get to have breakfast (er, morning beverages) even when I don't bother getting out of bed until 7:15.
  2. I really like that 7:30 class, which is Introduction to Virology. Viruses are still my favorite terrifying inanimate death-bringers and I love them and want to snuggle them forever. Except not, because the "death-bringer" part of that sentence is not really an exaggeration at all. Still. I might get the ebola microbe from ThinkGeek, if I didn't make up its existence.
  3. It is SO COLD AND I LOVE IT. I LOOOVE IIIIT. For one thing, it makes me feel like I live somewhere else, or at least that the campus is somehow fundamentally different; there are fewer people out and about. It doesn't usually get this cold in Baton Rouge, and when it does, it's for such a short period of time that I've forgotten what it's like by the next one. Cold weather just  makes me happier, for some reason. AND it might snow tomorrow!
  4. I LOVE THE COLD. AGAIN. JUST FOR FUNSIES. There are going to be more than five things on this list because rules are for people without crayons, or something.
  5. Tonight we might be watching Rocky Horror--"we" being Hetalia (I think this is my roommate's name? I don't remember?) and her boyfriend Lego. He'll either love it or hate it--I can't tell, with him; he's cool and then sexism or "gay guy impressions" happen and I throw my hands up in despair--but either way it's an excuse to do the Time Warp with other people. Plus the expressions on newbies' faces are so precious to me. It's like candy for the soul.
  6. This weekend I'm going over to Angel's to help clean her apartment. She's buying whatever food I pick, which I think might be delivery sushi just because I can. She wants to get rid of a lot of her excess shit, and I've got stuff to go to Goodwill too, as well as a gift certificate to Plato's Closet that we might as well try to spend. Maybe they'll have a pea coat and I can die of happiness caused by incredibly useless things to have in the south.
  7. I...finally don't feel like shit all the time. This whole week hasn't been full of intense feelings of my own worthlessness. A lot of it is because I've finally gotten some perspective--the country's not rioting; what do I have to worry about? Nothing--and some of it is because I've finally let go of a lot of uncontrollable things. I've still got work-based anxiety, but I'm on top of school (mostly) and I'm not collapsing under imaginary pressure. So. That's why I'm posting so spastically, of late.

college, happy things!, lists, the rocky horror picture show

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