(no subject)

Feb 02, 2011 19:34

 One of the things I'm trying to learn is how to teach. It might be what I do when I'm old, if only because I can't imagine doing research for the rest of my life, and I think that in general people should know how to explain things to other people, because that is the only real way anyone's ever going to get knowledge they don't already have--which is a rant for another day, I guess.
So far, my technique is to ask a whole bunch of really, really, REALLY leading questions. I only bring this up because everything that happened in micro lab today was prefaced by me asking my lab partner if whatever I'd just suggested was what she thought we should do. It usually was, because for whatever reason I am usually fairly decent at getting things right in biology labs (because my brain likes that kind of information and snuggles it close, thank god.)

The main point of this post thing, however, is to say that I have fifty Neutral Milk Hotel songs, most of which I haven't heard before, and a spot by the heater in the library, and a grande mocha running through my veins, and it is get-shit-done time. HELL YES.

college, academia, libraries are better than everything

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