Going to dance!

Apr 10, 2009 17:18

It's been almost a whole year since I moved here, and I still don't have a steady job :| This is pissing me off.

Plus, losing the job I had found totally messed with my moods. (Right now I'm convinced it wasn't completely my fault that I lost it, BTW. Not sure if that makes it better or worse). I'm probably NOT going to be able to go to any cons any time soon, and I might not be able to go to a con until AFTER Ling moves to Cali (you still moving out there? :P)

So, my self-esteem and my mood is down the crapper, I feel like shit, and I don't even feel like playing WoW right now (even though I love it so much, you guys should join in.) Oh, did I mention I'm hypo-active? Not in a good way either! It's left me horny like a damn rabbit! D<<<

So! I'm gonna go clubbing tomorrow night, get some drinks in me, and dance the night away. You know I'm not gonna get wasted, but I need to unwind. Maybe it'll lift my spirits a bit. AND, maybe I can find me a sugar-momma who'll give me money to go to the cons >D

So Jacquie... AWAY! XD
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