I should be writing my research paper right now.
I really should.
but, instead, I am here, being lazy on LJ because it's beginning to hold a facebook like attraction for me; If I go and check every ten minutes, of COURSE something new will have appeared!! But then...oh...right....nada.
Its a sad little story.
ANYWAYS, so I am newly minted into a fascinating new epic of a series on the television, being called SHERLOCK by bbc.
It is, seriously, epic, and there is a community and everything and everybody should go check it out like now this second because it blew my mind and unraveled my logistic capabilities and rewrote my world and ruined my sentence structure.
It's an adaption of Sherlock Holmes, only set in the modern world. God, Sherlock is hot. It's gripping and intense and thoroughly distracting for the modern student who should be pegging away at her studies and her 15 page paper...
The 2nd season just ended last Sunday with a huge twist, (even though we knew that it couldn't have ended that way but STILL!) and I am sitting here thinking about it at all hours of the day instead of getting my work done. The shame. There's a community on LJ too,
sherlockbbc. Eerybody should check this shit out because it's blowing up with fanfictions and awesome things like whoa.
I can only hope bbc makes another season and soon!!
Here's a link to a video if y'all are interested:)
It was for season one, but it is still made of awesome.