A Meme!!

May 22, 2012 20:54

Soooo, I decided to try out a little meme-ery! XD

I've always wanted to do one, so here's a first attemptl. This is a meme that missyquill gave me. She asked me eleven random questions and here are my sadly less-than-cool answers. Feel free to pass the meme along by asking me to ask you eleven random questions!


If you don’t mind sharing, what is the one thing you like that defies all logic/has no practical reason behind it? Do you get looked at weirdly when you tell people of this thing you like for absolutely no reason?
-- Blahhh I actually answered this one last because nothing was popping into my mind.
I like a lot of wierd things, like sitting outside in the sun in sweaters and jeans  just because the heat feels good. Everyone always asks why because I'm sweating like a pig and its 100 degrees outside, but I honestly have no answer. Sometimes i just like to curl up in the sun and fall asleep like that, even though later I curse myself when i wake up and it feels like i've grown four layers of pleather skin.
Another thing is that I occasionally like freezing showers. Even if it is snowing. They are exhilirating. People act like I've grown an extra head, but if you try it for a week or so then you'll see what I mean. Baths have to be burning, but a shower can make my eylashes icicle.

....hmm temperature oddity's...

What was your first ever OMG-I’ll-die-for-this- ship/pairing in fandom. How old were you/new to fandom were you at the time?
-- I was pretty new to fandom, and pretty new to anime and pretty new to everything, but I saw some ahhh-mazing Sesshomaru/Rin in the Inuyasha fanfiction I was browsing, (My first manga/anime..squeee) and was like YES. I will ship them untill the end. Even if the rest of the world clamors for Sess/Kag. Even if, yes, in some fics authors make Rin only around nine, which is ridiculous. Even when the world comes crashing down around our ears as Sessshy turns up in real life and says, "Hn. I am, like, so totally Rin's father figure you imbeciles."  (It won't matter then anyway because everyone will be to busy squeeing/fainting/getting his autograph)

I will ship Sess/Rin because of the adorable cuteness, the loyalty I have towards my beginning roots of fandom and because, seriously people, Kagura died and was on the BAD SIDE,  and Kagome will only EVER belong to Inuyasha, so who else will Sesshy cuddle?

If you could master any skill you have not tried until now/were always rubbish at until today, what would it be and why?
--I would choose drawing, or painting, or something remotely visually artistic. My whole family is amazing at it and their sketches are always everywhere and all I can draw are stick figures. The talent of my fingers lies in other things lol, like the keyboard. XD

Besides, looking at all the pretty things one deviantart always makes me long to draw something amazing, but i just end up begging my sister to pleasepleaseplease draw me a pretty Kakasaku!

What is the one song/movie/tv show that never fails to make you feel better no matter how crummy your day has been?
-- The new (ish) series of Sherlock on BBC and Masterpiece has the power to turn me from about to cry into giggling madly at the antics of Watson. It's an amazing series featuring a modern version of Sherlock Holmes, and season 2 just ended with breath-taking episode that had me glued to the screen. I don't  know how I'm going to wait for the next one. (I also secretly hope that BBC will break out and put Watson and Sherlock together, because they are made of cute.)

Besides Sherlock, I love House because of his whip-lash wit. (omglastepisodewassoepic!) and Psych, because Shawn and Gus will never fail to have some hilarious stun to make me giggle.:)

A canon couple you simply can’t stand? Why?
 --In my first Fandom experience it was Inuyasha/Kikyou, because she fucking died and then came back and then died and god. I have this annoyance for characters that do that. (Of course, I'm beginning to realize most of anime is like that) Still, Kikyou was just so blah and blank-slate in the face of  Inuyasha's exuberance, and she wanted to change him to suit her. No. just no.

Nowadays its Naruto/Hinata mostly as I'm annoyed by the fact that Naruto obviously has no fucking clue about the whole Hinata-is-in-love-with-you thing, because honestly she Isn't one of his precious people, the Kakashi/Jiraiya/Iruka/Sasuke/Sakura/Tsunade/Sai/Yamato group that truly influences his life. Hinata is a side character that I do love for herself, but cannot picture with Naruto for the life of me. If they ever got together she'd spend half the time fainting.

Also, It is Naruto/Sasuke or bust. Seriously.

How much wood would a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck would chuck wood?

--A fuckload, because he's sick of people saying he can't while at the same time asking him how much he can chuck, cause dude he can seriously. chuck. some. wood.
That prhase always made me wonder WHY on earth an animal is named a woodchuck  if he cannot actually chuck wood....It didn't make sense. Still doesn't, but i bet some hardy little woodchuck out there is chucking away, and has quite a pile going on, just to prove he can. One day he will appear in all of his woodchip glory and sue. I'm waiting for that moment, because that will be the same moment the unicorns come out from hiding and demand to know why such liberties have been taken with thier digestive system as to imply that they excrete rainbows. Oh the epicness.

Which Disney character would you like to be for a day? Why?

--I'd be Rapunzel from Tangled because she got the hottest prince and that movie made me squee so many times its not even funny, or Mulan because she is the only truly kickass one. Or maybe Jasmine because she's the only truly sexy one...XD

Gahh or Aladar from Dinosaur because he was braver than I'll ever be.

Your opinion on children? Love ‘em, hate ‘em, can’t stand ‘em, never been around them much really?

-- I'm a baby-lover. I'm always asking to hold babies, or babysitting babies, or anything. They are adorable and perfect in thier newness. When they get out of toddler stage into preteen stage I get a little iffy though, because preteens have it rough. Middle school man. Those are the dark years...
I want to have kids of my own someday, but I worry I might lose intrest once they stop doing the cute gurgle thing and the look-that-is-actually-my-very-own-hand-omg thing.

What is the most important office you’ve ever held in your school/college/workplace? Did you enjoy the experience? Are you still doing it or are you glad it’s over with?
I was the captain/head officer of my schools dance team for 2 years, and it was amazingly fun.I wouldn't wish the job on anyone however. A bunch of gossipy, self-confidednt, competitive teenage girls = clusterfuck of backstabbing, rumors and drama with a capital D. Even if everyone pretends to like each other, they actually don't. Trust me.

Despite a few breakdowns, i like to think that we made it through those years pretty well, and with far less trouble than some other years. Even if they were catty and ridiculous at times, those girls were and are great friends and I don't regret it at all.

In your opinion, what makes a good story? Plot, characterisation, flowery words, well researched facts? Is it possible for you to dislike a story that contains all the elements that “belong” in a good story?

--A good story for me doesn't need to have any semblence of plot, but has to have realistic and well-developed characterization, and good description. I'm visual, and good description makes the difference for a good story. Facts are important too, and adds alot if they are correct and well-placed. I don't when something happens that would absolutly never happen in real life, like mpreg or genderbending, (though i make an exception for a few) But I love AU's. I think a good story can drabble and ramble and go nowhere but still be amazing if it manages to make a reader feel something. The very best stories change a reader in some small way, rewrite something, add something, rewire the settings of a readers brain just a little bit, to make something change, and when that happens the reader can feel that impact.
None of my stories do that yet, but i shall perservere.
Good grammar and sentence structure can make a story as well, though I lack in this area. I haven't yet come across a story that i don't like that has good grammar, sentence structure, description, fact and occasional plot, but i suppose its possible if i dislike what is happening in it or think it is overdone.

Do you travel a lot/would you like to travel if you get the chance to? Where would you go and why?
--I haven't done alot of traveling lately, but i love it. I've been to Canada, England and France, and want to live in Paris someday. Preferably a soon someday. This summer i'm going to Japan for a month, which is very exciting. I will travel with a group around the islands as well as stay with a family. If anyone has any tips on mannerisms, culture, food, etc, I'm all ears! I'd probably go to Italy or Greece if i could choose anywhere now that I will be going to Japan, because I would lovelovelove to see all the ruins, and, of course eat alllllll the food.

So concludes my meme! Feel free to help me continue it! and thanks for reading! Sorry about the length...XD

questions, boredoms, meme, author:nectarene

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