Apr 09, 2010 13:45
Tonight's the night...
I'm going speed dating. Yup. Me, speed dating. At this point I am proud of myself for going as far as signing up and pre-paying for the event. I've had a few weeks to sort of prepare myself mentally for this evening and it still hasn't hit me. I think I'm at a point in life that I just don't care. I mean I care for things, just not stuff I can't control or things that aren't fatal. I'm actually looking forward to being rejected over and over again, just so I can clear out all the bottled up anxiety. It won't go away by itself. This is how I overcame public speaking, having been forced to do it in so many classes over and over again until suddenly I am comfortable doing it. I don't love doing it but I can now easily man up and get through speaking to random strangers in a class setting.
I believe I can apply this to dating as well. Ideally, I'd like to try speed dating once or twice a month so I can get into a comfort zone of approaching and initiating conversation. My expectations are not high, I don't expect to find anybody right away or anybody at all. If I do, awesome. If not, I am filing away so much experience that I'll be just as confident as I am about delivering speeches and presentations. And this is a good excuse to get out of the house as I find myself falling into nasty hermit habits lately. I haven't been wasting away completely, lots of good reading and research has been going on as well but I am definitely out and about less these days.
So there you have it. I was actually a little more nervous about advertising this to others than I was going through with it myself. But I realize opinions don't matter. Sure, I bet some of you wish me luck and maybe even some of you curse me to hell but this is for me and I'm the only one making it happen. Piece by piece I am getting my life back and taking control of it. This sitting by and waiting for stuff to happen is not the place to be. I know I have the ability to create opportunity for myself so I need to do that and stick with it. Between this and getting back into baseball, I'm on the right track. I just need to continue to think outside my box and address the other self-imposed issues I have created for myself.
Good or bad, I'll report back with how things went. It will all be good though. Worst case scenario, I go on fifteen mini-dates tonight and become immensely more comfortable with myself and unknown women. I do this over and over, failure after failure, then I'll become a social grand master. Or I get it right early and make somebody out there feel really lucky that they bumped into me. It's a win-win.