The Jack/Thor Epic of Epicness. Or perhaps that should be "saga-ness". (finally posting this here mostly so I can link it to finishathon. If I decide to do finishathon.) File last modified: 2006
This is the Highlander The Series / Batman-between-the-crises amalgamverse crossover genfic. About 3500 words and in need of some fact-checking still, but otherwise done. Until I start another section.
Title: Lawyers at 30,000 Feet Author: melannenWarnings, etc: Gen, Denny&Alan, ~2,000 words. Crossover, of a sort, if you're *insane*, like I am. Definitely crack
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I also read The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe the other day, which was ehhh in all the ways I remember it being. People on the flist have been posting a lot of Narnia meta-links in the run-up to the last movie, and I greatly fear that I will have to re-read the whole series in order to write about the things that are wrong with Narnia that do
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