Beginning of the End IV

Apr 13, 2004 23:21

Kymball woke as the car pulled to a halt. Capricorn got out as he said, “Rest if you want. This shouldn’t take too long.” Kymball nodded once and then dropped off to sleep again.

She woke with a start the second time around as gunfire echoed in the streets. Sitting up, she was just in time to see Capricorn rushing from a nearby building, his tommy gun spitting lead through the doorway as he jumped into the car. Revving the engine he put his foot to the floor and the car lurched forward, quickly moving down the street.

“They had something larger.” he quips as he glances into the rear view mirror.

Kymball glanced back as well and saw a man rush to the street, a portal missile launcher resting on his shoulder, “Um. Cappy? You might want to duck.”

Her warning came to late as the missile was fired, sailing through the air at the pair. Capricorn spun the steering wheel to the right as Kymball fumbled for her crossbow. Capricorn breathed a sigh of relief as the missile flew by them and began to slow his car. Kymball, on the other hand said, “I bet it’s got a guidance system.”

Capricorn began to ask a question and then looked around, seeing the missile had not missed but was still seeking its target. Capricorn dove from the car and looked back, shouting to Kymball, “Get out!”

Kymball ignored the warning and took careful aim. Firing her crossbow as the missile hurtled towards her, she saw the bolt shatter the rear window, not a shatter proof one as the modern day windows are, and hit the missile directly on the nose. The explosion took out the rest of the car windows as well as half the house windows on the block. Capricorn and Kymball were bathed in showers of glass but the main brunt of the explosion was taken by the bolt.

Capricorn hobbled towards the car, picking bits of glass out of himself, “They’re bound to check on their handiwork, so we’d better hotfoot it out of here.”

Kymball nodded in agreement and took the hand he offered, exiting the car and then running down the street with Capricorn as the night swallowed them in darkness.
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