Fanfiction: Someday, I'll Breathe Again, PG

Sep 24, 2011 23:22

Title: Someday, I’ll Breathe Again
Author: goodisrelative
Rating: PG
Spoilers: through S1 Ep 12
Character/Pairing: Nico Careles, Dani Santino, Terrence “TK” King; totally Careles/Santino
Summary: And you told me once that he never lies, so it has to be true.

Author's note: Thanks to ET, bets_cyn for the beta and brokenroots for the encouragement.
The title is a line from Sara Bareilles’ “Breathe Again”. The chorus goes All I have, all I need, he's the air I would kill to breathe, holds my love in his hands, still I'm searching for something. Out of breath, I am left hoping someday I'll breathe again.
Honestly, I hate titles… they are the hardest thing for me to settle on 95% of the time. And so, most times, it’s lyrics that strike a chord. Too many lines catch my fancy and sometimes it’s a forced fit, but usually the lines find a fic home, many times on a story I wasn’t expecting it to fit with. But music is a huge part of my life. I would go insane with silence. And I am getting way distracted!

This is a short reaction to the finale. Nothing gets “fixed” (i.e. technically Matt still is in the picture) but it sets in motion what could fix things for those of us who feel Matt just isn’t right for her.

Someday, I'll Breathe Again...

character: dani santino, character: jeanette, character: nico careles, writing: fanfiction

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