WoW + Academia = Love

Feb 25, 2011 18:04

Holly Hale, a Phd candidate at the University of Detroit Mercy, her study on World of Warcraft, stress and leisure time.
List of previous studies on MMORPG's that she's compiled.

Edward Castronova (Telecommunications professor at Indiana University) & Mark Bell article "synthetic worlds - real community, real money"

Terra Nova - blog for academics and professionals on game studies, focuses on game money trading as well as impacts of culture, architecture, society, law, etc.

Cyberpsycology and Behaviour journal, focuses on impact of internet, virtual reality and multimedia on behaviour

The Daedalus Project  The Physcology of MMORPG's, run by Nick Yee of Palo Alto Research Center, currently in hibernation mode but has a back history of surveys and articles
An interview with him

Bonnie A. Nardi, anthropologist at University of California, "My Life as a Nightelf Priest: An Anthropological Account of World of Warcraft" "

William Sims Bainbridge's "The Warcraft Civilization: Social Science in a Virtual World"

Interview with game designer Jane McGonigal on how video games can change the world and her TED Talk
Part 2 of interview
Her book, "Reality is Broken"

The Raid The Raid, short documentary on raiding and the contribution of players and it's value in their life
Interviews with lady raiders

Gamers Gamers, a documentary with a "zanier" look at mmos, interviews with players, pyschocologists, etc.

/afk film, one guys quest to solo Onyxia -

research, video games

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