...I need to WHAT?

Apr 22, 2009 02:02

...remember the exam I studied so hard for, a few months back? The one that could land me a stable job (finally?).
Well, I passed.
I ranked 124th out of 3000 candidates or so, and for some time I was so f****n proud of myself, I was SOARING.

I had a vague idea that I needed to pass a second exam though, in order to get listed for the job. And I was... not confindent about it, not AT ALL; but... I was positive. I thought that, even if I didn't pass the second exam, I'd give it my best, and be content with that knowledge, whatever the result.

Today, I know the topics I need to study.
"Archeology in Lazio".
...which means ... what exactly? I asked the commitee, or whatever they're called, and they (very rudely) informed me they've got no intention to say anything more about the topics.
It's not like I asked for hints, damn it! Or to have the actual exam questions. I asked them what I've got to study: the Civilitations that left those relics behind, and their History? The history of every single damn building in Rome, from who made it, to whoever dug it out? Or should I focus on museums, and what's inside them?

As things are, I might be asked *anything* about *any* ruin, or relic, or artifact ever found in the whole damn REGION. (and we all know how little Etruscan people and ancient romans tended to built, not to mention medieval people...) I could be asked who made it, and when and why... or who was the person that found it, and when, and who gave him permission to dig where he did, and by what law or decree. I might be asked if the artifact/ruin/relic in question was found by accident... or was it a war spoil perhaphs?

*rubs temples*
On top of that, I'll be asked "questions about the Ministry", which, again, can mean anything. Do I need to study laws and decrees and what not, or rather names and dates? Do I need to know what they Ministry does, in detail, or rather have knowledge on who founded it, who made the laws and what are their names/numbers? Need I know the hierarchy, and be able to name exactly the current top-heads, etc., or just say my *opinion* on what the Ministry does, or should do?

I'm lost, really.
Utterly and fantastically LOST.
The only thing I know for sure is that I've got to learn by heart Decree 626, which I can't find online (but was told is 70 pages long. WTH?!). And that I've got less than a month to get ready.

[Edit]: Light at the end of the tunnel! Found decree 626 thanks to skyearth85 ...  but it's 101 pages long. *sweatdrops* Won't be able to learn it by heart, but at least I'll be able to read it.
And... heads up! There'll be a THIRD exam after this one here in may. Oh, joy.

personal, rant

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