Title: Like the Snow Pairing: Sehun/Lay Genre: romance Rating: G Length: 1k Summary: Sehun's in love with his unknowing neighbor. A/N: too lazy to edit sorry. ( Read more... )
Oh baby, I’ll keep you warm Sehun/Tao, broken taoris, sort of kind of xiuhan, a little hunhan(not really); AU, romance; PG13; 10,222 In which an everlasting snowstorm complicates the world and Sehun lives like a robot until Tao enters his life and teaches him how to live again.
The constellations are so unfamiliar 1/? Tao/Sehun; AU, dystopian, romance, slight angst; PG13; 6,758 In a world of metal and concrete and nothing else Sehun longs for the trees and just maybe something else.