So. Goals.
Immediate Goals (While I may not be able to complete these goals immediately right this minute, they are of immediate importance)
1) Move out (Now possible, thanks to [stuff I'll go into later])
2) Get a job
3) Balance finances so all the bills are taken care of. Learn other important financial and tax related info, as well.
4) Get a car, if I can afford it. If not, start saving for a car.
5) Become financially independent enough so I won't have to worry about mooching off my parents for god knows how long.
Important Goals (These are important, but not as big of a concern as the Immediate Goals. I can take it a bit easier when it comes to these.)
1) Figure out what you want to do about college. Do I want to go, if I want to go then how am I going to pay for it, what do I want to get out of it, etc etc. There is about a one year deadline for this decision after I move, since that's when I'll be getting out of state residency.
2) Get over dumbshit personal issues. Yeah yeah, there's stuff I have a right to be upset about, blah blah blah. But letting it control me is just going to cause a lot of bad stuff further down the line. Pinpoint problems they've caused without falling into the "I'm a failure because Mommy didn't hug me enough, not because of my personal mistakes" trap, and try to brainstorm ways to solve them. This one is going to take a while.
3) Improve art and writing skills, since having some talent to be proud of is always a good thing. Perhaps I can start a comic, if time is willing! I've always wanted to do something like that.
4) Find something important to do with my time, so I don't look back at my life twenty years from now and go, "Oh lord what have I done with my life?" I'm going to start small, and figure out what I can do in my spare time first before moving on to anything big. The comic might be good, if I can pull it off; if nothing else, my mind will be active. Volunteer work is also an option.
5) Oh yeah, I should probably become better at time management if I'm going to be doing all of this, huh?
Goals that are less important, but I still want to do
1) Get better at math. Sucking at math is incredibly obnoxious.
2) Learn a foreign language, in case I do any traveling later on down the line. Also, memorize how to spell "foreign".
3) Get in shape. Concentrate on crunches and push ups and other stuff I can do for free at first; only worry about gyms/other forms of exercise that cost money after I know I can afford it and still keep up decent savings. Also, memorize how to spell "exercise" while I'm at it.
Other goals will come later. Right now, I'm going to concentrate on these.