American publisher Del Rey (who release a good amount of translated manga in America) & Marvel Comics announced at the New York Anime Festival that they had teamed up to create 2 new manga-inspired X-Men series. One title will revolve around Wolverine. There really doesn't seem to be anything special to report about this series other than it'll put a manga spin on the classic character's story. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but wait till you hear what they have in mind for the other series.
The main X-Men title that they plan to release will be a shoujo series. Shoujo, as in meant for girls. They even described it at there panel as X-Men meets Ouran High School Host Club. & that seems like a good description too, as the story revolves around high schooler Kitty Pryde attending an otherwise all-boys Xavier's Institute for Higher Learning. It really is a mutant version of Ouran, & Kitty's the Haruhi of the series! So we have here one girl who's surrounded by a bunch of bishounen young male mutants (& trust me, they will be drawn to be sexually attractive to girl readers). Should be interesting, to say the least.