Happy Pocky Day! For those who don't know, November 11 is called Pocky Day because the numbering- 11/11- resembles a bunch of Pocky Sticks standing tall. Pocky is of course the most famous snack food to come out of Japan, & is very popular among international anime fans as well. One can only imagine how crazy this day will be next year, since it'll be 11/11/11.
But wait, for there's even more reason to celebrate! November 11 also happens to be the birthday for the
2010 Saimoe Champion & angel of the light music club, K-ON's Azusa Nakano! Being one of the most popular anime characters of the past year, otaku all over went all out to celebrate this day. Plenty of fan-art turned up for her, & the fact that her birthday so happens to fall on Pocky Day wasn't lost on a lot of them. So sit back, open up a pack of Pocky, & enjoy the Pocky/Azunyan celebratory gallery below: