It's beginning to look like Shonen Jump's Super Anime Tour is going to become an annual occurrence. After having a successful run of original anime specials in
2008 & again in
2009, Shonen Jump is at it again this year. Although Yu-Gi-Oh & One Piece wont be part of the excitement this time around, plenty of A-list Jump titles are taking part.
Every year a newer SJ title seems to make its animated debut at the Super Anime Tour, & this year is no exception. This time around it's Ryuhei Tamura's
Beelzebub manga. Another newer title is
Nura: Rise of the Yokai Clan, the latest Jump title to get its own anime TV series.
Toriko, which had its anime debut at last year's tour, will be returning this year. & after taking last year off, the 2010 version of the Jump Super Anime Tour will once again contain a brand new Bleach special. Rounding things out will be an all new
Tegami Bachi: Letter Bee OVA, making it the only title to be a part of the tour for all three years.
The tour will be traveling across Japan this Fall & making stops at Fukuoka (October 23), Tokyo (October 30-31), Osaka (November 6-7), Nagoya (November 13-14), & Sapporo (November 21). & if it'll be anything like the past two years, some of it will eventually be
streamed online. & with official English subtitles to boot! Well, fingers crossed, anyway.