The latest issue of Asuka magazine has announced that three new manga series will launch in the next issue, due out February 24. One of which is an Evangelion manga. Titled "Shin Seiki Evangelion: Ikari Shinji Tantei Nikki" (Neon Genesis Evangelion: Shinji Ikari's Detective Journal), it'll be alternate reality unrelated to the main franchise, & in fact is largely a comedy story in which Shinji is a detective. Perhaps most interesting, the manga is a joint production between Eva's two different anime studios- Gainax (who did the original anime series & End of Evangelion movie) & Khara (who are doing the new Rebuild movies). Asuka magazine previously published another Eva manga series titled
Evangelion Academy: Record of Heaven's Decent, which launched two years ago.
The other new manga series are new franchises called "Para Labo" & "Futsumashi na Yome Desu ga." (I Am a Exorcist Wife but.) In addition to those three titles, the
Trinity Blood manga adaptation will resume next month as well after taking a break for the past year & a half.