Her Prophet Says Some Mean Shit

May 20, 2022 03:02

from January 13, 2013

~I've been watching this stupid clusterfuck unfold on Twitter the past half day and I'm...I don't know, torn between despair and disgust. I commented, “The White Male POV: 'slaves fighting to the death over scraps that fell off of *our* table'. /sigh”

So, time for a little bit of Mansplaining...

First off, I'm Fixed Gendered, so don't call me 'Cis'. It's fucking ugly and I suspect was chosen exactly for that reason, a passive/aggressive dig at those of us who are fine with our genitals.

Second, this is still A White Man's World. It possibly may not be for that much longer, but I warn y'all not to underestimate my Brothers. We're some mean and evil mother fuckers and will not let go of what is “Ours” without a very nasty fight. And our defeat is not yet assured, trust me.

Third, even though I am now a fat old fuck on Disability living in a double-wide outside of East Bumfuck, as an Educated White Male, I still have buckets more Privilege than 95% of you fucking bitches, whatever your color. All I have to do is show up, be charming in a forthright fashion and the waters part. I've done this many many times...which brings us to

Fourth, as 'slaves' [read NOT White Males of a Certain Class] most of you have no real understanding of Power. You know how to be Oppressed - I can always see the notch on the backs of your necks where my boot fits - but seem to be clueless as to how to be Powerful. I'm not talking 'empowered', that sorry-assed New Age buzzword.

No, I mean Power. Even when I was homeless on LA's Skid Row I carried myself as Master, more so in fact because of where I was. And folks down there Got It and deferred. I could pull that off because I knew in my fucking balls that I am a Patriarch, that I am fucking Mr. Charlie, and no amount of self-esteem seminars in the world can give you that.

As a White Male of a Certain Class I was raised KNOWING that this World belongs to Me and Mine. And those who have not experienced that “cannot” understand it. And that part of me sneers at the shenanigans taking place around the above events: 'slaves fighting to the death over scraps that fell off of *our* table'.

Those with the real Power laugh at these ridiculous doctrinal squabbles, these stupid internecine bloodlettings, these catfights filled with Victim Rhetoric. They are clear proof of how weak and powerless you really are.

This brings me back to something I said a few days ago: “In the US a women is raped apx every minute and a half, but when I talk about banning penises, people call me insane.” For all the noise about Feminism and LGBT 'empowerment', when it comes right down to it, you stupid cunts are still fighting over The Cock.

And while you're doing that, my Brothers are pissing on your heads and laughing....

the temple, beta males, the sisterhood, the explanation, liber sorores, her prophet says fuck, the end of men, her prophet speaks, female supremacy

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