Neb's Bottomless Rage

May 06, 2022 02:52

More and more I get badly depressed after I read my news feed. First though, I get Really Fuckin' Angry. The depression comes after when I realize I cannot say out loud what I want to say because I'd get banned from whatever social media platform and possibly even 'investigated for terrorist threats'.

However, without getting specific, what I still can say [so far] is that I desire terrible and ugly things to happen to The Owners, to their operatives, sycophants and political stooges, hell, even to their families, as terrible and ugly as possible.

But not all this comes from my 'bottomless rage'. It also comes from my awareness that without the real fear of 'terrible and ugly' consequences, The Owners, their operatives, sycophants and political stooges will continue to rape all of the rest of us in any manner that suits them and their vested interests.

trumptards, overpopulation, climate change, nebs know these things, income inequality, economic policy, global financial trainwreck of 2007-2012, the collapse of the republic, the terrorist state, mass democracy has failed, racism, culture war, class war, the oligarchy, our doomed present, pandemic, bagger sociopaths, capitalism, collapse

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