Massively Long Overdue Update (picture heavy)

Mar 09, 2014 10:51

I dont really know where the time goes any more, I seem to blink and entire months just get swallowed up in a frenzy of work, kids, busy household, running my own business as a sideline to all of these things and new connections being formed which has all contributed to my being unable to update this webspace on a daily basis as I once did. Since joining the publicity world on top of everything else, I have had to use social websites for their connectivity where I post to one place and the others are updated as if by magic, otherwise the old way I'd have been stuck typing on my laptop for several hours of the day and life is way too short for that these days. So a big catch up from me then, for those of you not able to follow on Twitter, Facebook and other sites where you will find me :

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my episode of Fat Surgeons which aired on Wednesday 24th July 2013 on UKTV's Really Channel
I felt very proud to have made this program with my family, however, a couple of things I want to get out there now so you've heard it from me and not read it in a newspaper or magazine article, I'm not actually married any more, my husband / partner and I had been trying to make a go of things but sadly in October 2012 we decided to separate partially when things just were not working out for either of us. We are still living in the same house and took part in the program together as a family because we are and always will be a family together just not a couple in the conventional sense of the word. However, I can never be accused of being "conventional" so I hope that we can continue to work together to be the excellent parents that we are remaining on the same team until such time as our youngest child Harvey now six nearly seven, turns into an adult. Please, its been a long journey trying to work out which way we should handle things, living together so that we can both be there for our children whilst I work seems to so far be the thing that is working for us as a family, so we do not need input, we've lived with this and made our decisions together based on what will work best for our family.

I've celebrated not being a wheelchair user for a whole year on February 13th, that is also the date I left my first husband back in the late 90s for domestic violence so a very poignant day for me all round that one, I celebrated it with a close personal friend someone who reminds me who I am and inspires me to be the person I am today.

Weight loss I am up to having lost a grand total of 16.5 stone in weight over 26 months, I weigh now 62.7kg and had my gallbladder out six weeks ago tomorrow along with a massive repair to my metal mesh abdominal walls again. I'm left with one piece of muscle tissue poking out from the bottom edge of the metal down on the right side which needs sorting in April, can not wait to just get on with things once this last piece of surgery is over with.

Plans for the future will see me moving, publishing my low carbs, low fat high in protein Fusion Asian style cook book with Random House hopefully if we can continue to negotiate on the rights and book deal, otherwise I'll self publish as I feel there is a real demand for people to learn exactly the way I did it when I was losing the bulk of my own weight, I've started needle knitting again now that the nerve damage to my central nervous system has been reversed and I can hold needles comfortably again, its been October 2006 since I could do that so I was highly emotional the day I realised I could knit with needles again, I remain highly passionate and committed to producing designs for knitting without needles however, I think I really did find my niche as it were when I discovered I had an understanding in how to manipulate the pegs to form stitches that look like you've spent hours using needles instead.

What else? on the exercise front I could not exercise from end of October 2013 to March 2014 which has felt like an absolute age, I had the advanced stages of gallbladder disease and every time I moved about the hernia bulge would pull causing the pain from the attached metal abdominal walls so I had no choice but to start slowing down until finally I was confined to bed totally having to submit to the pain and taking hefty pain relief again. I am so glad that is over with, this week I went for a short swim, walking out in the sunshine daily and now today I am doing both swimming later and taking my sons out on their bikes its such a beautiful day. It won't be long before I can get back into running and the gym again.

On the running front I took in The Medway Mile 2013 with my beautiful daughter Angelica, a very proud moment finishing the race, after being a wheelchair user I was blown away to be able to take part like that alongside so many other runners.

Publicity links are : Medway Messenger - Weight Loss

Medway Messenger - Medway Mile

My brothers and I have reconnected, I'm so pleased its been far too long!

I also have back my mother figure Linda, I spent my birthday with her in August and we've been fairly inseparable ever since she comes to stay regularly and is still the same beautiful bubbly warm wonderful lady she's always been, I've missed her incredibly much over the years.

Here are some photographs, I can not think of what else to update with right now, so more to follow this week as I think of it. Its good to be back on livejournal though, I've not forgotten about this blog I kept it renewed with the fees I just havent had a chance to really devote much time to using my laptop these days that's all. I will attempt to keep this updated maybe once a week and see how we go, I have some serious life changing stuff ahead of me within the next six weeks so you might get more than one post a week for sure!

Me going out to meet my new friend Thursday 13th February 2014

Desmond and I in recovery after my long operation on Monday 27th January 2014, knocked out 8:30am awake only after 6pm.

Angelica and I promoting Medway Sport for a New Year New You Campaign in November 2013

from left to right: Guy, Me, Dad and Myron, my real biological family reunited and photographed all together at last! January 13th 2014

My Family 29th December 2013 a very proud day indeed shame Guy couldnt make it as his children had chickenpox this weekend

My Family!

from left to right: meet Claire my beautiful step daughter, Imogen, Angelica and Me, I love this photo me with my daughters aww

Dad and Me reunited and burying the hatchet someplace safe once and for all, a very healing day all round

Mum Linda and little H on Christmas Morning, these two were the biggest kids that day by miles with excitement to match, it was a smashing Christmas 2013, very very special indeed.

these are Linda's children so my little sister Emma and brother David, love you guys so much, we'd not seen each other since 1999 so happy to be together again

just about to run the Medway Mile 29th July 2013

needle knitting again Thursday 26th February 2014

handspun, hand dyed, natural madder roots mainly, MHE Shropsland cross between Shetland and Shropshire fibres made into this beautiful anniversary scarf for my friend

Celebrating two years of shrinking Jan 2014

A normal healthy BMI (body mass index) of 24.1 for the first time in my entire adult life, deserving of some bling dont you agree :)

I have tons more pictures but will do random updates with them through out the week.

garden, cooking, gym, mach2, newhouse, tai chi, diet, swimming, guitar, kids, photos, spinning, video, exercise, meditation, iphone, university, news, makeup, loom-knit, writing, gifts, spinolution, running, health, yarn, tv, knifty-knitter, hair, yoga, knitting, kung fu, dyeing, weather, albinism, house

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