The Past Week

May 20, 2013 22:22

The past week has been amazing for all sorts of reasons, so in day order starting with last week Monday :
last Monday 13th - running in the morning with Imogen Ivan and ngelica, I know I already did a blog post about that day but thought I would mention it again as it was the start of a very busy fun filled fitness week for the four of us, Tuesday saw Angelica and I doing two mini sets of workouts during the day, shopping, cooking and other home schooling things including signing up for college for both of us, yep I've signed up for college too for this year, its a big deal I'm excited about it but dont want to jinx it until I hear back about funding for the course so will post the details once its all confirmed, Tuesday evening we went to aqua fit session, I'm able to fully keep up with every single thing now without feeling three quarters of the way through like I'm getting really tired, Wednesday morning back at the gym more running and general shopping for fresh food to bring home and cook, Thursday Angelica and I joined Yoga, the session was so so beautiful I had actual huge tears streaming down my face towards the end, I felt so elated that I could keep up with the whole hour and reach everything relatively easily as well, the instructor kept offering simple alternatives but I did not have to take her up on the offer once throughout the whole session, it felt so so great. Friday back inside the gym, no running as the army were out there and the track was pretty packed so I decided not to brave running in between the soldiers. Instead Ivan and Imogen were tested on their gym inductions where they had to show an understanding of the equipment which they passed brilliantly of course, so whilst they were in there Angelica and I did a very thorough workout together, I still do not like the elliptical trainer, I get this sort of lead weight pressing on my operation site feeling so I leave that out now plus it disorientates me too much and I dont like the sensations. Great workout though on Friday which set us all up nicely for the weekend.
I had a ton of work to do by Saturday plus on Friday Joseph picked up my new Macbook Pro so from Friday evening onwards I started emptying my old one, there was over 240 gig to delete off it which I'm actually still doing whilst catching up on a very huge workload from the rest of the days where I didn't want to be sitting down in front of a laptop instead I was out exercising.
I started watching Mad Men whilst emptying the trash on the old macbook pro in the evening, liked it so much I have gone all the way back to series one and started watching from the beginning. As I dont watch tv its going to take a while to catch up to the episode in series six Sky is currently up to on tv so I've downloaded what I can to go through when ever I find myself wanting to sit for a bit, which is hardly ever but its there if I want to catch up slowly.
Sunday I did weights at home, the weekend was largely taken up with Harvey activities and cooking, half the household did carboot sales in an attempt to empty the old kitchen and garage rooms so they can be brought into family use instead of filled with junk we brought with us from our old house but seldom use. Its all got to go, we've lived here for eighteen months now and not emptied the boxes so we obviously dont need the bulk of it. Better to clear up the space I think.
Today, Monday, gym in the morning very early, Ivan has been registered to try out for an athletics event, I think he is going to do well there, both Imogen and Ivan worked with a trainer to write up a program to follow each time they are in the gym. I'm so proud of them, Angelica and I did lots of running this morning too as well as our workout.
Afterwards we had a coffee together than they all went home and I stayed for my signing off appointment with the GP Referral scheme I've been a part of. I have mixed emotions about it because it means I'm not a patient now but still have loads of loose skin which is presenting an issue for me because now I dont want people to see me undressed.
Karate tonight was brilliant, we did a lot of boxing, I love wearing the gloves and punching the bag, I find it very helpful. We learnt the first third of the routine for the first belt tonight, willing myself to remember it all, its bank holiday Monday again next week so the dojo is closed but the following week we'll be tested on it so I hope I can remember.
Tomorrow I'm trying out belly dancing style aerobics, gosh I'm both filled with dread and mega excited about this one. Our local sports center is putting on a series of new exercise events as taster sessions from now until the end of July, its like a festival of sport in our local area, I'll be trying the belly dancing style aerobics class, ballet pump and thai chi. Cant wait for the thai chi I've wanted to go for ages so the taster session will be perfect.
Phew, I am so tired tonight, whilst I've loved my new found health and vitality I need to create more of a balance with looking after all the kids needs myself as its juggling to please everyone in the house which isn't always an easy task.
So far though I do feel so proud of myself, just want to be very fit and healthy, looking forward to the rest of the week with excitement.

cooking, gym, iphone, diet, thai chi, loom-knit, kids, karate, ipad, running, health, hair, yoga, exercise, albinism, house

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