General Stuff Really

Oct 24, 2012 19:00

I took Joseph for his CT scan this afternoon, gosh I'd forgotten how much I detest sitting in the waiting area in a small place with warm air conditioning and no air, no windows, florescent lighting above, the humming of the ceiling fans and air vents, the chatter in and out, sick people being wheeled past me on beds, it was an experience but thankfully went according to times given and was over within an hour which is a good thing as I expected to be there at least two waiting. Joseph handed it all really well and we'll get his results within the next few days.
Angelica's bronze DofE practice assessed hike is coming up over the weekend. Its been a bit of a nightmare over the last few days to be honest, her team is four members, herself and Phil, the younger brother and boyfriend of another girl in the unit who can not control her temper flaring up at the slightest thing said that she doesnt like. Unfortunately for herself though, all this anger has been directed at Angelica pretty much consistently over the last few days so Angelica has stood her ground I'd say pretty well and forced the girl out of the picture as she's not in the team of four members so insisting they do the work together without her breezing in and taking over. On Sunday they all went out for a few hours practice with bags on their backs weighing what they will weigh on the assessed weekend. Afterwards the girl took home all the menu's Angelica put together and changed every item on there without telling anyone. Following day she announced everyone should be so grateful because her and her brother stayed up really late doing the menu cards and they have sent them off. They neglected to ask if anyone had any dietary needs, religious beliefs or anything, plus they have not thought hygiene through at all, when challenged over having pork sausages first thing with no oil or margarine on the list to cook them with, when they get welded to the trangia how is it going to be washed up so that they can use it to boil water later in the day for their lunch and dinner, the reply that came back stunned Angelica and me when I'd read it, "anyway you can not get food poisoning off sausages raw or cooked they are completely safe food items". I defer, these are two school age teenagers and one at college 17, 16 and 15 years old, this is basic stuff not mixing raw food with mixed food. Anyway Angelica stood her ground and the upshot of it is she is stuck with the list now because its been sent off to the assessors already, but her and Phil will team up with one trangia and the other two lads together with the other. This also meant the shopping list be divided into two, the boys had asked for everyone to bring £30 each making the menu items total £120 for just ONE NIGHT's camping with emergency rations. Challenged again over this ridiculous amount of money Angelica said she'd rather not go and give that money to a starving children's charity in Africa than waste it like that on sweets and chocolate which make up a large proportion of the menu items. So she's gone off to do hers and Phil's shopping for the weekend confident the cost for both of them will come to half that amount for both. I am very proud of my daughter, she's found all of this quite difficult but carried on standing her ground really well.
I finished listening to Child 44 by Tom Rob Smith two days ago, it is probably one of the best crime novels I've ever read, so well thought out and thrilling with fantastic twist towards the end, it certainly did keep me on the edge of my seat all the way through. The next one in the so far series of three books "The Secret Speech" is going to be downloaded next week on the 1st when I get my credits from Audible.

There has been a huge debate online recently as to whether the latest batch of Orlistat is faulty or not, many people are reporting not loosing any or only a small amount of weight on them as opposed to before the shortage and re-release in September. This is certainly true of myself too, the tablets do not actually appear to be doing anything much at all and my weight is not coming off, its not going up either its just not shifting despite my changing nothing to what I have been doing since February. This has been extremely frustrating and terribly downbeat for me, I dread getting on the scales to see the same numbers, in the back of my mind I will the reading to be one or two pounds lower each week but the numbers remain the same, even the nurses are baffled either that or they do not believe my food diary where I record every item that goes into my mouth, what time I take the tablet and so on. I hope the next batch is better.

orlistat, kids, scouts, diet, books, health

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