Swimming Club Friday - week 3

Oct 05, 2012 17:51

Today I managed to swim 24 x 25 metre lengths of the pool at this afternoon's swimming club.
It was pretty tough going and I have to admit to have struggled quite a bit half way through but pushed on regardless. The last eight lengths were done without putting my feet down in between so I feel completely proud of that achievement as in itself that is a massive big deal for me to have been able to do so many metres in one stretch without pausing every 25 metres.
week 1 : Friday 21st September = 10 x 25m lengths total of 250 metres
week 2 : Friday 28th September - 20 x 25m lengths total of 500 metres
week 3 : Friday 6th October - 24 x 25m lengths total of 600 metres
I feel so fantastic with myself right now all be it stretched out on top of my bed trying avidly to keep warm, Imogen had commented more than a handful of times that my lips were turning blue during the swimming. I did complain at the end where I commented on how icy cold the water was today, half way up the pool towards the deep end the water was really cold, you sort of swam into a band of coldness as you approached the deep end which was most unpleasant. The lady said that as you warm up the water should feel warmer not colder but I pointed out to her that I have been a strong swimmer since before I could walk properly as a toddler therefore was extremely familiar with pools and how the temperature inside the water should feel, today was not normal at all as it definitely got more icy and chilli as the hour progressed. Some more ladies and one man did speak up too hearing the conversation agreeing it felt odd and different today, was most definitely colder towards the end. I'm glad they did speak up and not leave me sat there trying to put the point across to the staff at the center all by myself.
I think everyone is warming to each other now, the group is definitely getting along better, chatting more and opening up too which is nice. Coffee afterwards is a real eye opener though, some of them sit there eating bags of crisps, I'm not judging but isn't the whole point of all of this is to loose weight, become more healthy and maintain a level of fitness? I just can not bring myself to even look at crisps let alone the fat content one bag contains. Each to their own I guess.

swimming, diet, health

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