Cutting Fat & Carbs Day 2

Feb 21, 2012 23:10

Taking Orlistat, no more side effects beyond day three last week, I think I'd forgotten to post that before. The only time my bowels felt a little bit more loose than usual were the first two mornings after the day I started taking them. This could have been due to fat in my gut left over from the two days prior to starting on the diet, so from 8th and 9th February, then I started on the 10th, had loose bowels on the mornings of 11th, twice through that night so early hours and on the 12th once in the morning. Since then nothing, just been going to the loo as normal.
However, the amount of times I need to pee during the night has increased ten fold but I already know from previous weight loss attempts that this has nothing to do with the tablets, its part of loosing weight full stop so can put up with it. It hurts me a great deal pulling myself up from the mattress on the floor, walking out of the living room straight across the hall into the downstairs wet room bathroom several times a night. By around 4 - 5am I am usually starting to get either really angry or really tearful, the latter not so much of late thankfully. So the pains are pretty bad around my broken coccyx area, pushing up with my legs is very difficult for me so I sort of roll towards the sofa then push up against the arm of the sofa to a standing position using the side of the sofa to take all my body weight. Now this may or may not sound like a big deal, and perhaps it isnt really, that is until you throw Krispy in to the mix.
Lately our dog has decided to become a little insecure, mainly since Lionel left four weeks ago. She sticks to me all the time, if I move, she moves. Each time I wake up she is laying fully spread out on the floor beside my side of the mattress.
So in order for me to get up, bursting for a wee or not, I first have to put my hand on the dog and wake her up, she snores so loudly and falls into such a deep sleep I can actually pull her across the floor sometimes by her two front legs and she remains fully asleep, so this simple task of waking her up is not as easy as it sounds and does take some coaxing to get it right so that she doesnt wake up with a start, despite being a lovely ten year old girl and our beloved pet dog, she is still just that, a dog, very protective and therefore I dont want to get bitten so gently does it all the way here, gentle talking so not to wake anyone else up, stroking, pushing, shaking my hand backwards and forwards whilst leaning on her back until finally she lifts up her head and looks at me, this usually instantly results in a swift tongue slapping across my arm or face if its close enough. Then I can try and get up so I roll towards her, she moves swiftly out of the way, makes loads of noise flapping her ears shaking her head speedily from side to side, she stretches across the floor first her front legs then her back fully stretching out both ways each time for a few seconds. Remember, I am bursting and cant get up ..... so I carry on rolling towards the sofa, pull myself up leaning on the arm of the side and then in a standing position if I am not wetting myself by this point, I try and put on my slippers. I cant bend at all so it has to be done blindly by feeling with my feet, Krispy has normally kicked them right out of my way from the where I left them when she came to lay next to me so I usually have to feel my way around a bit then put them on, remember, this is only if I have time and havent started wetting myself already, then I make my way around the sofa, across the room, pass by the dining table, around the end chair and out of the room, rush across the hall as the coldness from the hallway draft hits me as the living room door is opened, and straight into the bathroom where the toilet is opposite me.
A straight run? not a chance, I've got the damn dog thinking I'm playing with her or attempting to have a race, so she is in between my legs, leaning on one of my legs or crashing into me in our scramble to get out of the living room door. Its mental, very funny and has become routine several times a night from 2am to 5 - 6am.
After doing this routine several times, like once every fifteen to twenty minutes, I'm usually exhausted and in need of a cup of tea, so I got into the kitchen which is off the lounge the other side of the table to put the kettle on, this usually prompts the dog to want to go out so I have to come all the way back into the lounge to retrieve my keys which are kept in my handbag next to where I put my pillow so that I have everything to hand like pain killers when I need them.
Its like this every night, totally mental. Last night though I kept thinking of food, how I've been eating all my life, what I've been eating, what I like to cook, how I like to cook, my Granddad Tom, all the delicious foods he showed me how to make when I got my first ever flat away from home, thinking about how much fat is in things that I now do not want to eat so trying to replace with alternatives, energy as I cant do aerobics at the moment I dont want to eat too much of as my stores dont need o become any bigger so thinking about energy levels. I wasnt hungry, well not sure if I was but when I started sipping my tea around 4am I felt heaps better. Then as per, once the wee problem has started to slow down I get back into bed to have a rest, this morning through, I spent some considerable time typing up recipe ideas to try which I made up from my over twenty five years experience as a family cook of Anglo Indian and central European foods, I cant wait to give them a whirl on the cooker. By the time I finally fell asleep it was past 8:30am, it was 8:27am on the clock when I shut my laptop and lay down. I slept until gone 11am woke for a few minutes then passed out again until 1:30pm. Half the day gone already.
Something else I totally forgot to mention, since the start of the year the freezer packed up and our grill and oven decided to go out in sympathy, fusing the house completely, so badly in fact, we had to call and electrician to get the juice flowing again. The grill and both ovens on the rangemaster now sound like the stove has turned into an aeroplane and the whole thing is going to take off as the noise gets louder and louder upon switching one of them on. Its going to cost £155 to get it fully serviced and repaired from Rangemaster as its just out of its warrantee but they said they'd do it for just the call out fee with free parts and labour so that is the total cost, only we've not had any extra money coming in so week by week that target might as well be a million and something. In the meantime I have been struggling to cook every meal on the stove top, no freezer means that I cant cook extra portions to freeze for later, its taken me a while to get used to that one and the food has to be bought and cooked that day or stored in the fridge for the next day. Do not know how we are going to replace the freezer, we dont seem to have any joy with those, I only bought this one off ebay just before we moved in August when our previous one gave up the ghost.
I shouted at my family today because Angelica came in with bags of green vegetables and fruit, I was making my three postcards sitting on the sofa at my small laptop table when she came in and it was like she was mugged for stuff. I started saying that I'd just be five minutes to put the bags down and I'd be right there to sort and unpack but I didnt even get a chance to finish speaking and everyone was eating stuff. I am not mean, I stood there and cooked them all a massive, and I mean massive giant preserve pan size x 2 pots of pasta and bolognaise sauce last night for two days with cheese so they would have plenty of food. In the sauce I was able to conceal several vegetables because Angelica also bought me a new hand blender yesterday so the meal was ultra healthy, satisfying and very filling. Only thing is all day since waking up I'd been reminding them not to forget to eat their food, they did not listen to me so by the time my daughter got home from the green grocers, it was gone 4:30pm and they were all hungry. My husband had been out and bought me a new juicer which I was dying to try hence why Angelica bought excess of fruits and vegetables today. The juicer was reduced again so instead of the initial price of £29.99, then sale price of £19.99, today it was reduced again to just £8.99 so last night I'd left the money out and address of the shop for him to go pick one up for me today, he'd got up in between my sleeps this morning as he wanted me to have one, so sweet and kind.
Instead of cooking the pancakes this evening, everyone ate their food and I had the second half of the mushrooms, green veg and chicken thing I made last night, only today I didnt make the cous cous, couldnt face it so instead I turned it all into a nice soupy thing with more green veg and fresh ginger steamed into it, and I have to say it was so delicious, low carbs and fat grams count that I've taken photographs and written up the recipe to post later once the camera battery is fully charged. Will definitely be making that one again.
So day two counting my carb grams as well as the fat grams I got used to counting in week one, I feel ok, not too heavy and not bloated any more, my skin is feeling loose especially around my thighs. Tried to remember where I'd packed the Rio Slim Gym but no one can find it yet so will have to sort out that flapping skin later, its getting uncomfortable already though, cant stand the thought of what it will be like in two, three and four months time. I've been feeling really pleased with myself though, trying to come up with things to make that I can, a) afford within the normal family food budget, b) keeping the gram count low and c) spreading the total grams out throughout the entire day, well its been like a full time job of late but I'm loving the challenge, so far. Remind me I said that in two months time will you.
I've had time in between sleeping to paint, finish the Belgium, Wales and this week's Cuba postcards for the postcard challenge so look out for those this week. Ivan's reading is really taking off now and Harvey just comes on in leaps and bounds daily. I've sent off for an enrolment pack for him to attend a local Performing Arts Academy, I think he will really excel there, its a private school but age 4 - 6 they only go for two afternoons a week so the cost isnt too bad for what you get. Harvey loves singing, remembers all the words to songs very quickly, can read a bit, is taking off with everything else, has good rhythm and movement skills in time to music so I think this will be good for him I really do. The kids and I dont seem to stop all day, I fall asleep regularly mainly after eating or drinking something, which is actually getting annoying but last night before bedtime we took a drive over to the Isle of Sheppy and found the most glorious looking beach, the kids got very excited about this one and cant wait to go there, me too it was beautiful and big.
Something else I've been yearning for again is a holiday, time out, time to just relax and be quiet. There is always so much noise going on around me I seldom get a peace zone where there is no noise what so ever, no talking especially. During the night when I'm up and down rushing to the toilet its silent but by then I'm usually completely exhausted so cant enjoy just sitting listening to silence. I miss that. Not that I've had the luxury for ages but I want and more importantly, need it so badly now. I've been loom knitting instead to keep my mind from exploding, it helps me stay focused. I long to do some hand spinning, one of the bundles Imogen hand carded for me or some of the secret santa present I received, but I'm worried about my spine right now so focusing on taking good care of that instead. Plenty of time to enjoy my wheel again soon I'm sure.
Still no word from Lionel, its been several nights now, Thursday was the last time we spoke, I miss him. He doesnt know I'm shrinking myself so its going to be a shock for him when we finally do get to see each other. Cant wait to see his face though, it will be amazing.

orlistat, kids, diet, health

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