Week Five approaching End of Week Six

Oct 21, 2011 15:19

All the fibres that have been soaking up colour for a while are almost ready to be listed now, I need to find sometime to photograph and type the descriptions up, so far though I am very happy with them especially the dye made from conkers which looks a bit unusual. MHE will be updated on Monday 24th October sometime in the afternoon or early evening as we have a busy weekend ahead and I doubt I'll get time to do the update before then as Angelica wont be here to help me with things.
Still loom knitting my way through the 252 squares needed for the secret uni blanket, only a few more to go but I feel like I've been saying that for weeks now. I got up around 4am this morning unable to get back to a good settled state so I knitted two more in the dark. I have reached the stage now where I know the project is going to look incredibly impressive but if I see another four inch mitred square again after its finished, I will want to run as fast as possible away from it.

Spinning is going exceptionally well in this house, my back is holding out beautifully this week and owing to a lovely new doctor I can now sit relatively comfortably without my coccyx bone feeling like its grinding itself into the chair and do my spinning. I completed the Mysterions batts which has resulted in the most yardage I have spun to date in the one yarn, 284g 939.46m which kind of stunned me because as I was spinning my way through these for some reason I didnt think of how much the finished spun yarn would become, I just sort of relaxed and worked my way through the second single naturally instead of thinking about anything at all really. Note to self here : clear the mind during spinning, it results in a much better looking yarn.

I completed the two singles for Marsha Reed in just four days which is making me feel very good on the inside as I didnt rush them, I relaxed and just did a bit here and there each evening this week. Last night when I realised I only had a little bit to go from the second single I felt very pleased indeed. Love the colour green on these, its the perfect retro maybe mid century modern vintage shade I am looking for to accessorise the living room when we decorate it after Christmas

Marsha Reed is a special blend of shropshire and shetland combed together, the resulting wool tops are very springy, slightly hairy and very easy to spin they practically spin themselves. I felt like I was just guiding the singles on to the hook and bobbin rather than having to draft as I spun. Will be getting a batch of these made up again shortly, I've contacted the dealer to ask if he can make me some more so watch this space I guess. The last lot I did I couldnt bare to be parted from, fell in love with the combination instantly so have a few more to spin, might start doing the red ones next they came out particularly pretty and such a deep shade I fell in love with them too.
Bits and pieces of unpacking have been achieved in our new house over the past week and a half, repairs have been completed also but I have had to instruct a solicitor under the legal aid scheme to get all the right to buy papers sent in my name, get the housing association to acknowledge my partner as an equal tenant holder also with the right to buy and complete the remaining repairs. We've had leaking toilets, the overflow systems for all sinks were not attached resulting in water pouring out each time the sinks were in use, one of them the overflow was showering people rushing past the house on the side street on their way into the side entrance to the train station, not good at all and we didnt want to get prosecuted for that hence getting legal advice. I felt so relaxed and calm about everything once the lady I spoke to on the telephone said "just relax and let us deal with all this from now on". That was on Tuesday afternoon, Wednesday morning first thing the rent cards and tenancy paperwork arrived through the door, Angelica's radiator wall is now fully repaired with new plaster and board, the heater is just waiting to be fitted on Monday once the wall is dry, the sinks have all been fixed, toilets too and they are taking the matter of new locks under advisement. All in all, dealing with the landlord wise its been a good productive week. Once all the repairs are out of the way we can crack on with making the house our own by putting in our kitchen and rearranging various things which we've been reluctant to touch until the paperwork is all legal and in order.
SJA Cadets is going well for the kids, the only thing is our three seem well ahead of the other kids in this unit so I've agreed that now they have been there for three weeks they need to go look at the main unit in the next area along, its all part of the same team just a different bigger unit. They will be doing that after half term which starts today for one week. Scouts is going fantastically well, Angelica is going on her Bronze Expedition tomorrow for the weekend, Imogen and Ivan are doing their Masters At Arms badge which includes rifle shooting, archery and fencing. All three of them are very excited indeed and are making friends who live very close by, one girl lives a few doors away on our actual road so that is brilliant for them all.
Last night was the first day since Lionel left home that we havent spoken on the phone or via video chat. It felt very strange for me but I was that exhausted I went up to bed fairly early in the day instead. Will catch up with him today, Lionel keeps on saying how he missed the food I cook, he will be like that again today because I am making chicken curry which is one of his favourites. At least he will be spending two whole weeks with us at Christmas time having already bought his tickets.
Speaking of Christmas, I am a bit worried about this year because by now normally I have either completed all the shopping or am over half way there. This year I havent even started yet and only now this week have been making firm lists of what things need to be purchased and what food needs to be planned for. Either way though, I know its going to be brilliant here for Christmas and the new year all together in our new house.
Its been sunny all the time here, its actually only rained four times since we moved in just under six weeks ago, weird weird weird that feels after coming from the north east where it is weird if its sunny two days in a row. Its also getting a little bit chilly but nothing on the scale of what its like up there at our old place near Newcastle. Today I've put the washing machine on a little while ago but the sky is darkening looking like its about to start raining.
Harvey has been so so cute all week, full of cuddles, kisses and loads of singing, I find it all highly uplifting I really do. He is such a special little boy, I feel completely blessed with him in our lives, he fills up such a giant part of every single day that I often wonder what I was doing before he was born into our family unit.
Anyway, Imogen has just given me a really good looking cup of coffee so I'm going to sit back and relax, drinking my drink until Angelica gets back with the chicken for dinner. Cant wait to start cooking the meal today. Wish the kids luck with their various Scouting things this weekend, especially Angelica who has never been away from me at night before, I hope she'll do brilliantly at the expedition, I loved doing that sort of thing when I was her age so I really hope she does too.

christmas, cooking, mach2, newhouse, scouts, university, fibre, loom-knit, folksy, sja, spinning, spinolution, knifty-knitter, knitting, dyeing, weather

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