(no subject)

Sep 15, 2010 22:37

I keep coming to this conclusion
I feel as if my opinion would not be valued in the bay area.
It maybe not even be listened to well perhaps a bit and hen passive agressively shoved aside by people who pretend to uphold freedom of speech.

but that conclusion is

1. Clothing

Transguys need to stop dressing like lesbians.

So until you pass and even then simply dont wear:
cargo pants
cargo shorts
baggy pants
extra shorts
big t-shirts with stupid sayings (save a tree eat a beaver)
studded bracelets/chokers
riot grrl tshirts

am I missing anything??

and the following items maybe worn in moderation but just beware if you are on the border of passing you are pretty much going to be seen as a transguy which if that is what you want then by all means go ahead

sweater vests

Many of these fashion items are only stereotypically trans in the bay area. I am pretty critical.
But if I see a smaller male looking person (even with a beard) wearing these things it is a dead giveaway you are a transguy.

2. Facial Hair
if its wispy
if its thin
if the hairs are spaced far apart
your "stach" unless you are going for 13 yr old cholo look then shave shave shave shave shave shave

also wear your facial hair in accordance with your face size and shape if your heads real small dont go too big on your beard
it looks bad! Most cis-guys know this.How many smaller headed cis guys do you see with full on beards??? None!!!!!

3. weight


this is where I look like an ass hole

I dont even want to say this

ask me later
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