Weekend Update - Highlights of productivity!

Jun 01, 2011 00:20

Lorelei came out to visit this weekend, for a break from the monotony of her four walls (though with the train running along the ceiling, I can't imagine those walls getting all THAT monotonous...) and to focus some productiveness energy on various projects.  Hers are garb-ish, for Pennsic, mine are house-ish, and years overdue.  I'm happy to say we were successful, on many fronts.  Not mindbogglingly productive, but definitely fair.  AND we got to spend some purely social schmoozy time with each other, and with some good friends.

-- Made GOOD use of the crock pot
-- cleaned stinky things out of the fridge
-- cleaned up some mess from the leaky in-sink-erator (anybody in town know a good plumber?)
-- unleashed death and destruction on the weedy mess that is my back yard (again)
-- Lorelei's WeedWhacker Whacked the Wafflestompin' stuffings out of MUCH weedy greenery.  FOUR lawn bags!
-- Thistles pull out of damp waterlogged dirt REAL easy, with a nice satisfying sub-sonic "TTTHHHUP"
-- MOWED the back yard.  I can't say it's grass, but it's green, and it's now flat and short
-- rescued the corner rosebushes from invasions of thistle
-- Called my sister and her fiance, visiting my parents at the mountain house for the weekend.  Sounded good so far!
-- Mmmmm  venison
-- Brunch with T--- and D---- and SnS and da baby.  Baby is toddling, and often running
-- Spiffy new undertunic and two overtunics for Lorelei
-- FOUND my kitchen table, under all that junk and flotsam
-- Depressingly, had to turn on the air conditioning.  After all, it did hit 90
-- Paid my bills
-- Watched the fancy airplanes do a turnabout for the flyover in the parade
-- Hit the 20% off sale at Half Price Books, and got some fun DVDs at an entirely reasonable price
-- Went to Big Home Improvement Store #1, to find they only had two of the eight plants I was looking for, and not the right stepping stones.  Humbug.
-- Went to the Medium sized fabric store to get thread for the tunics, and was successfully able to resist ALL the other fabric temptations.
-- Kitchen floor is now SPARKLY clean (thank you Lorelei!)
-- Finished the trench for the brick border in the new side garden; bricks placed in draft layout #1
-- Got to watch a Mommy and Daddy Cardinal teaching Youngster Fledgling to fly.  Youngun's still got a way to
-- DID NOT SLEEP IN UNTIL NOON!!  This is actually pretty significant for me.  Since returning from vacation, I've been succeeding at keeping a more mainstream diurnal schedule.  Yay!
-- Grilled steak and corn-on-the-cob.  I <3 my little bitty propane grill.  It's not the BTUs, it's how you use them!
-- Finished re-reading "A Morbid Taste For Bones"

All in all, a good weekend.

Humorous moment, bridging between "ya know you've been in the SCA too long when..." and living in Indianapolis, mecca of the One True 500.
Friend, having been quietly pondering Crown List:  "I just hope X doesn't win tomorrow."
Me, having missed the segue from racing:  "X? I don't remember him. Is he on the Andretti-Green team?"

weekend, garden, highlights

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