May 17, 2006 17:40
this post has no emotional significance or value whatsoever
just merely my weather observations
the day started off foggier than a blind mans eyes, hell, a blind man woulda been able to see it.....or not, because it was so foggy that illegally blind people could not see at all. by the end of first hour a joke was made by mrs G, "note the time everybody and look outside, we have blue skies!" that was pretty cool since we had been going through a particularly shitty week of being drizzled on and drenched. this next bit has nothing to do about the weather outside, but instead, of the temperature inside. I was fucking freezing my ass off by second hour and decided to go out to get my coat. the air was nice out i noticed. i had my coat on to prevent hypothermia from the schools inability to provide a comfortable environment anywhere within the building, not to mention the classes themselves. by the end of the day tho it was rather nice inside, so i took off my jacket and discarded it into my car when school was out. a beautiful day, a nice Florida-esque look to it all, without the insufferable humidity and heat. great white fluffy cute clouds to seduce your eyes and the temperature was fit for Goldilocks, juuusst right. later on as i was driving home i turned west and saw to my suprise, that hell had crawled from the ugly depths of wherever and sprung itself into the sky. a dark blotch blocking out the entire western sky, closely resembling the approach of evil in Lord of the Rings. you could see the distinct difference of Tipton and Madison county. in fact, as i was driving along the border of the two, you look right and you see bright blue and white, the kind of sky that makes you giggle and buy cotton candy, lounge around on the grass and laugh with your friends, then you look to the left and you see Reuben Studdards asshole ready to crush us. soon the wind was tearing across the ground, pushing drops of water at terrible speeds. i'm pretty sure that the weather has now turned rebellious and is quite illegal. the rain was at first in fits of gunfire bursts, then steadily, the road looked like it had been raining for hours, small limbs were already down. another 23 minutes of that rain and we would be blockading our houses with sandbags to prevent flooding. i noted the temperature just before it started to rain because the tall bank sign with flashing red letters was so inclined to tell me, 74. well 15 minutes later the air is so obviously cold above us that it decided to dump hail onto our blonde heads. this continued for a good five minutes. if i did not know better i would have thought that the subway parking lot had gravel on it and not little ice shitlets. and as if god had suddenly realized that he had let the water run full force in the kitchen sink for too all ended. like world war 2 had just abrumptly ceased because all ammo had been wasted at once. and now the sky beemed at us once again with bouncy white clouds and baby blue skies. WTF is going on? you look to the east and see the great big purple water balloon rolling off to briefly but harshly piss on Alex. like a father that beats their wife or kids, it showed up faster than we anticipated, bent us over and gave us a good hard fuckin before we knew what happened, everything had been so perfect that day and now this? but when it was alll over, daddy left us wondering what to do next. we just looked up at him with our sad blue eyes, still wet from the activity, while he said that everything is ok now and smiles down at us with beaming sunshine that analogy was a little rough but, hey, dont get pissed at me, thats just how my mind works, the storm rolled through like a Nazi blitkrieg Panzer tank, rolled over our sorry ass, and moved on.
*special note: the raping was a little bit out there, i know.
*special special note: i have never been raped by my dad.. or anyone else for that matter.
*another notable line: Nice weather we're having, eh??