I haven't written in a long time!! It's not so much that I don't have time to write, or that I have nothing to write about, but I've been so anti-sitting-in-front-of-a-computer-and-type. Probably, because I've started to write my PhD thesis. I have less than a month to finish all my experiments, and man, I'm panicing. I've stopped pretty much all extra-curricular activities and as I'm writing this right now, I'm in the dark and freezing electron microcope room.
It's all crap, man, CRAP! I don't feel like I learned anything, much less solve any questions. Gaaahhh!! Oh, well, can't wait to graduate, even though I'm not looking forward to what I have to do in order to graduate. Come May next year, I should be drowning in my own happiness.
-More soldiers and civilians are dying in Iraq, despite... wait, probably because it's the holiday season. Some politicians finally dared to ask the question loudly, "Is US presence in that country making things worse??"
-Chirsitans are complaining that this "holiday season" is a discrimination against Christianity...cause we say "happy holidays" and don't play "Silent Night". I'm sorry, who wants to sing Silent Night when all we want to do is get drunk, eat, shop and have sex??
-Unmarried pregnacy gets a Catholic school teacher fired, then she goes around and sues the school for sexual discrimination. Well, at least she's not suing for wrongful termination, now that'd be wrong.
-Pop bans gays from being ordained. Now that's a kind of a hard call. Catholicism believes in literal meaning of the bible, the words of God, or so they say. Bible does say homosexuality is bad (I know, I've been reading the bible...I know, that's sad). But then again, Jesus didn't want such an institutionalized church and no one offers sucrificial animals either, so... Christianity, are you gonna evolve with the rest of the world, or stick to the words on the book? Make up your mind.
-A big woman complains on camera that all these shoppers are "disturbing her annual tradition" on Black Saturday. Please people, you don't have to shop that day. And if you do, you don't have to kill people on the way!!
-Panic is rising among scientists and doctors about seemingly inevitable pendemic of bird flu. Now one of the few remedies for bird flu virus is a drug called Tamiful. Did you know that a Japanese kid was given this drug, danced like a crazy man, and jumped off a building to his death. Tamiful is known to cause rare psychological side-effects. I looked into this, and apparently, Tamiful blocks an enzyme that all viruses need to survive. But there's a very similar enzyme in the brain. If Tamiful had a way to get into the brain... So would you rather die of lungs dying because of the virus, or by going crazy?? Hmmm, nice choices...
On a more personal note, a friend back from college visited me from Charlottesville, VA, apparently a college city in the middle of nowhere. We had a pretty good time eating out, and he definitely had a good time reading all my manga. No turkey for me this Thanksgiving...rather, when was the last time I had turnkey on Thanksgiving?? Not my favorite meat.
Saw Harry Potter movie!! Man, that was a cool movie. Just like the Star Wars movies, it's always when the bad guys are powering up that the movie is a good one. What do you know... Saw clips from the first movie on TV recently tho. Man, the kids have grown....