DIFT - Generation Two - Anna in Bridgeport

Nov 19, 2011 17:13

The second generation of my DIFT was in some ways more challenging than the first generation. This was partially because I didn't prepare Anna as well for her goals as maybe I should have.  Due to both the nature of the DIFT storyline and the potential length of the challenge it's advisable to move sims not only from house to house but also from town to town throughout the generations.  Since Generation 2 gives the impression that the sim wants to be in the city, I moved Anna to Bridgeport.  While preparing her for her move I didn't really consider funding, so Anna arrived in Bridgeport with the standard CAS 16,500 stipend.    This was okay in that it was enough to get her a 1 bedroom apartment but apartments (unlike houses) can't really be expanded over time.

Anna enjoyed being in Bridgeport.  She took a job in the Business Career, as she was supposed to do, and worked at improving her Charisma skill while meeting new people at a dive bar she frequented, Eugi's.

She also worked on making friends with Rafael Striker.  One of the optional goals of Generation 2 is to marry someone from work and as Rafe was the only male in her office Anna set her sights on him.   Rafe was a tough nut to crack, Anna is a flirty sim but Rafe didn't want to move as quickly as she did and he shot her down quite a bit in the beginning.

Eventually she won him over and they were married on her age transition day from Young Adult to Adult.

The couple went to France for their honeymoon and managed to get out of bed long enough to spend a day at the Nectary where Rafael learned nectar making and Anna partook of free samples.

Considering the amount of time they spent in bed while on their honeymoon it wasn't a surprise to anyone that Anna was pregnant by the time they returned.  And that's where the real challenge of the generation began.

Housing in the city is expensive and trying to save up 50k for a multi-bedroom apartment all in one chunk while tending to a screaming infant in a crowded studio apartment was rough.  Anna spent some of her life time reward points to get the collector helper and spent most of her free time roaming the city picking up rocks and selling them at the local swap and sell.

Then there was Rafe's broodiness, he HATED his job.  While he starts the game as CEO of mega-corp he really wants to be a mixologist.  Trouble is he has no skill at mixing drinks and there's not enough money to buy him a bar venue (along with the apartment they were saving for) or time to gain skills while teaching a toddler skills.

Chandler was the first born.  Anna and Rafe were still living in the studio apartment when they got careless and Anna ended up pregnant again.  They had to step up on their savings, Anna was exhausted for the majority of her pregnancy due to treking around town picking up odds and ends to sell and unfortunately Chandler was often left with a babysitter.  MUCH hate for Sims 3 babysitters, Sims 2 Nannies are angels in comparison.

Their hard work paid off though and they were able to move into their dream apartment hours before Mackenzie was born.  There were side effects though.  Due to Anna's rough pregnancy, I wasn't able to pick both traits for Mackenzie at birth and she was born a coward.  That pretty much put her out of the running for heirship right there.  Generation 3 is all about tomb exploration with traps and mummies and all kinds of scary stuff.

She sure was a cutie though, and the apple of her daddy's eye.  Rafe immediately rolled up a wish for another baby but both Anna and I said wait no, Anna needs to get 5 more levels in business!  Autonomous and risky woohoo mods meant Rafe won and Addison joined the family shortly before her parents became elders.   At that point Anna had spent all but 2 days of her adult lifespan on Maternity leave and it was a race against the clock for her to get the rest of her work levels.  See Sims 3 careers aren't just about going to work with skills and in a good mood, they gain performance while at work based upon not just their skills but their working relationships and what they do while at work.  Daily promotions are rare.

While all of the toddler training was going on there was still the issue of Rafael's dreams.  The couple needed another 40k in order to purchase Eugi's.  While they worked on getting that lump sum Rafe took to moonlighting at the bar for additional practice.

It was a proud moment for both of them when they had saved enough to buy the bar and Rafe could retire to spend his days mixing drinks and doling out advice.

Meanwhile on the home front, the kids were growing up and up and up.

Family picture taken at the bar on Mackenzi's YA birthday.   I contemplated sending the kids to boarding school to go along with the whole, my parents were always working and they left me alone alot, set up that Generation three has but in truthfulness Anna and Rafe were good parents.  Even if they were constantly busy with their own careers the kids were (mostly) toddler trained, they had bedtime stories, and were enrolled in after school activities.  Their parent's attended all of the award ceremonies and graduations and had excellent relationships with all three kids.  And once they got old enough to not need sitters home was a fairly peaceful place.  Oh and Anna did make level 10 in business, just in time :)

My heir prospects for generation three were:

Chandler Reynolds
The only male, red hair - Brave / Heavy Sleeper / Adventurous / Virtuoso / Photographer's Eye
I knew pretty early that he would be heir so I tailored his traits towards it.  As a LTW Chandler wants to be a Great Explorer.

Mackenzie Reynolds
Blond, oldest girl - Coward / Friendly / Hopeless Romantic / Clumsy / Excitable
Mackenzie was ruled out for heirship early on due to her bad luck at both birth and toddler traits.  Anna's tough pregnancy made her a coward and then she was a few steps from learning to walk when she became a child which left her clumsy.  Mackenzie wants to live the lifestyles of the Rich and Famous and is currently in the Political track and dating a vampire.

Addison Reynolds
The red-haired baby of the bunch was ruled out for heir ship at birth.  When her parent's slipped into the shower to make a baby they doomed her with being hydrophobic (afraid of water).  In the various tombs there are lots of dive wells that need to be explored and since she can't take a shower without crying it didn't seem like a good idea to continually force swimming on her.

Addison is Perceptive / Hydrophobic / Genius / Handy / Grumpy.  Addison wants to be a surgeon and married her high school sweetheart less than 48 hours after becoming a young adult.  Unfortunately neither of her parents were able to attend that momentous occasion as they both passed away on her graduation day.

Generation Two Objectives:
- Get to level 10 on the Business Career.  (done)
- Get to level 10 in Charisma skill (done)
- Get married, woohoo, and have kid(s). (not necessarily in that order) (done)
- Have at least one kid. (done)

Optional Objectives:
-Become enemies with your father and mother (why can't you be like your brother or/and sister?) before entering your career.  (Not gonna do that to any of my sims)
-Partner into a business (doesn't matter which) (done)
-Make over 50,000 in family funds. (done)
-Marry a co-worker, or even your boss (done)

sims 3, dift

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