Summer in Familiarity (2.3)

Nov 05, 2008 01:28

My Dad says that college students are the only people that are happy for not getting their money's worth, but hey every time a class gets canceled there's more time to sim.  Several of my professors decided that watching election results would be more interesting than class (I agree), so I had a short night.   Since my video drivers are giving my game fits at the moment I'm going to post another five households. 

London 3
Cale and Charlotte Familiar, Devon, Dia, Evita, and Enrique London plus dogs

The London house started out at the Roth house in Riverblossom which means it's the Goth house only lighter.    I need to adjust the windows on the front, they are unbalanced!  Living in the house we have:

Elders Cale the chess cheater and his wife Charlotte.  Cale is Fortune/Knowledge and Charlotte is Family/Fortune.

Their daughter Dia is married to Devon.  Both are Pleasure Seekers who originally had the LTW for 50 dream dates.  They were less than five dates from their goal when the hood was rebuilt, so I cheated them perma plat.  Dia's secondary is fortune, Devon's is grilled cheese in honor of his cheesy parents Cort and Celeste.

Dia and Devon have two children - Puppy kicker Evita and Enrique who started the rotation as a child.

They started the rotation with two dogs, Elder poodle Allie and her son Captain.  We're big on mutts in Familiarity.  Allie was taken by Grim shortly after the rotation started.

The family has since adopted Janet to be Captain's mate.

The first day of Summer was Sunday so it was kid party day.

The theme for the party seemed to be love, there were several teen couples that took their crushes a step further at the London's that day.

Evita went to work in the middle of the party and her crush Euclid spent the time while she was gone getting to know Emily a little bit better.

Evita and Euclid's relationship seemed to be cooling off, it could be because of  her three bolt crush on Eros; or it could be that she liked to hit him.

I call Evita the puppy kicker for a reason, she's the only person I've yet to see roll up the want to have a BAD reputation.

Despite her bad reputation Evita has a wide friends base.  She sneaks out almost every night.

She's only been caught once.

With three nice points Enrique generally wouldn't be considered a sweet guy but compared to his sister he's a doll.

Charlotte and Cale have five other grandchildren but since Emerald is still a toddler they are holding off on doing a vacation until the fall rotation.

Towards the end of the season Enrique celebrated his birthday.  He rolled Pleasure with the traditional 50 dream dates LTW.  Unlike his London grandparents and his parents Enrique has playful points!  Considering all the possible facial issues that he could have inherited, I feel that Enrique smoothed out quite nicely and isn't nearly as lumpy as I feared he'd be.

Alexander, Bottom and Euclid (Erasmus is at UNI)

Alex and Bo's house is one of the original bin houses with a covered driveway and a bonus room added to the sides.  It currently has two bedrooms on the second floor and a master bedroom on the third floor which was converted to be season's compatible.

Currently living in the Goth house are Generation Six half sister Bottom and husband 'Uncle' Alex Goth.  Eldest son Erasmus is at University, which gives youngest son Euclid ample oppertunity to harras 'Ras's ants.

I had feared that with 'Ras at UNI life would be a bit dull at the Goth's.  I was mistaken.  The rotation started on Sunday so Euclid had a teen gathering.

Everything was going fairly well at the start.  There were folks playing video games, some were hanging in the hot tub and there was a kicky bag game going on out front.

At one point during the day, Ezra began to get the impression that Emilia was moving away from him.  Ezra being family should have been upset about this but he took it rather well and went looking for someone else to admire.

Conversely when Elysia, who Euclid had flirted with once; was groped by one of her long term (if there is such a thing for Elysia) favorites Evander, Euclid saw red.

Euclid wasn't the only one upset.  Mess with one mess with all was Elijah's theory.

However Evander easily backs up his bully reputation.

Euclid consoled himself with Emily.

Who later gossiped about it to her friend Evita.  Evita didn't seem to mind.

The last day of summer was momentous for Euclid.  He achived the impossible thirty best friends want, asked Emily to go steady and was beaten by the Grim Reaper when Timothy Riley died under mysterious circumstances on the back porch.  With all that I think he's prepared to head to Uni at the end of the season.

Elliot, Deanna, Ezekiel, Ezra, Evette and Evonne

The Capp house is imported from Deseiderata Valley, I think it's the Contrary's house.  I added a basement, a second floor for the kids and remodeled the main floor.  I wanted to show off the kids rooms a little bit, I really like the AL shelves for adding a little personalized clutter.

Living in the house we have Generation Six Half-brother Elliot, his three bolt stalker wife Deanna and their two sets of twins.  At the start of the rotation the boys Ezra and Zeke were teens and the girls Evette and Evonne were kids.

Summer started on a Sunday with a kid party.  There was lots of dancing.

Some showing off.

Some bragging.

Bunches of dirty jokes.

And a few surprises.  Zeke still doesn't know how to handle being kissed by a girl.  To be fair it was a goodbye kiss, he'd spent most of the day dancing with his crush Ellic.

During the party heir apparent Frankie got his flirt on.  So far Frankie has seemed mostly disinterested in Romance, which could be because I purposely gave him odd turn ons to downplay playable attraction.  Electra doesn't let a little thing like a single bolt bother her though.

Frankie was also displaying his retained anger at Evander, from the whole Elysia-Euclid thing.

A few days later it was time for birthday caked and the girls hit teen hood.

The last day of the season was friday and since Ezra and Zeke will be heading to UNI at the end of Summer I let the kids throw a party.

Evonne doesn't understand how the whole Romance aspiration is supposed to work.  She and Enrique have three bolts and were already best friends but she'd rather noogie him.

A little while later she stood by and watched while Erika Young popped his lock.  Evonne also has three bolts for player Edgar there but she just met him that day.  He was however best friends with Evette who he has two bolts with but Evette's lock is still intact as well.  I'll be keeping a watch on both girls while the summer progresses.

Familiar 4
Caden, Cassia, Dracula, Dyan, Edgar plus cats

The Familiar house originated as a bin house from Seasons.  It's been remodeled extensively because I hate the original house but always seem to forget that I do until I move someone in to it.  Only about 1% of the house is as it was originally.

Living in the house we have three bolt elders Caden and Cassia.  He's Family/Pop she's Fortune/Romance.  Caden is the absolute worst sim ever for taking care of himself, he'd much rather stalk his wife than sleep or eat.

Their son Dracula and his wife Dyan are also three bolt stalkers but they are much more likely to survive on their own.  Dracula is Pleasure/Knowledge Dyan is Pop/Fortune.  Drac's a celeb chef who most likely won't get his second ltw of 50 dream dates though they're working on it.  Dyan recently switched from being The Law to pursue her next ltw in journalism.

Drac and Dyan have one son 'player' Edgar a Knowlege sim who's about two crushes away from getting a secondary in Romance.

At the start of the rotation the Familiar's had three cat's Otis, Scout and their daughter Mavis.  Otis passed away towards the end of the season.

During the Summer season Caden and Cassia took their three teen grandchildren to the beach.  In addition to Edgar they are the grandparents of Elysia and Eldon Tan.

Drac's cousin Devon stopped by to play whap.

While he was there he was reminded of the fact that he has three bolts with Dorme.

Dracula quickly asked them each to leave before they did something too stupid.

On the last day of the rotation Edgar threw a party were there was lots of potential for disaster's but everyone pretty much behaved themselves.

I think the only people that even flirted were Evita and Eros.

Nova 1
Chay, Demi, Denise, Dane, Elise, Eleanor, Eustace and Galadriel

The Nova house has lots of big rooms on the main floor, with three pops in the house there's always people around.  Thankfully there's a few fortunes there as well to keep the money rolling in.

Living in the house we have elders Generation Five Spare Demi and her husband Chay.  Demi is Fortune/ Family and is still Chief of Staff at the hospital, she currently wants to earn another 100k.  Chay's Pop/Pleasure and has long been in the Hall of Fame.

Their daughter Denise and her husband Dane.  Denise is Fortune/Family and Dane for all I write him as dumb as a post is Pop/Knowledge.  His characterization is based more on his glassy eyed appearence than on anything else.

Denise and Dane have three children:  Terror Teen Elise, Introspective Eleanor and Oopsie Eustace.  They also have an ugly dog Galadriel.  Galadriel is the daughter of Dallan and Delphy's ugly dog Jason.  She's third or fourth Generation Ugly.

A good portion of the summer was spent getting Eustace his toddler skills.  Everyone played a part.

Elise kept bringing boys home from school.

And her grandfather kept wondering if he should kill them or not.

When she's not flirting she's generally giving noogies or starting arguments.

Eleanor isn't shy but she's kinda introverted.  She's following in her father and grandfather's athletic footsteps and when she's not shooting hoops she's in front of an easel.

Eleanor and Eustace shared a birthday party.

Eleanor rolled Fortune and looks a lot like her Aunt Del.  I put her in Delphy's hair and was amazed by the resemblance.

Eustace is a mixture of his grandfather Chay and his father, he's got Dane's dazed appearing eyes.

Since Easton and Elizabeth's little sister Erin is still a toddler, the kids didn't get a vacation this season they'll get one in the fall.

The final day of the rotation was Saturday, so the Nova's had a family day.  In addition to Dallan and Delphy's family they invited Dane's parent's and brother's along with the bachelor Uncle's Dwight and Cody.

About half way through the day Dave stopped by cause he hates to be excluded from family gatherings.  I would have invited the main house but my current video card driver's keep puking when houses get full and as it was the game crashed before the day was over so I'll have to do the family gathering again the next time I get a chance to play.

So for now that's all I got

Teen List has been Updated

goth, summer, capp, nova, london, familiar

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