(no subject)

Nov 03, 2008 16:34

Prior to the rebuild all of my main line kids indulged me by having birthdays on either the first or the last day of the season.  Because they were so nice as to do that I was able to stair step the various groups of kids a bit and keep everyone the same age throughout the rotations.

All of the kids that were toddlers at the time of extraction have been teening in the middle of the rotation.  I now have four teens at the Capp house and I expect that the Langarek boys will be following suit shortly.   I may end up having to do some shooting in the dummy hood in order to get some kid scenes as I don't think they've gotten enough kid face time.   I'll see how it looks once I start seriously putting the next chapter together.

I should save this but I'm pretty excited by the way the girls turned out, so I'm going to go ahead and share now before I zoom to class.

Evette and Evonne Capp as teens.  Evette's the blond, Evonne's got black hair.  They look more alike than their brothers do at this point.  Both have their father's chin and their mother's nose, their mouths are the only big difference.  Aspiration wise they're backwards - outgoing Evette rolled knowledge (secondary pop) while shy Evonne is a romancer (secondary knowledge).

capp, spoilers

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