Summer in Familiarity (Pt. One)

Mar 29, 2008 10:17

I'm still not finished with the rotation, but I figure this is going to take more than one post so I'll go ahead and get started.  Not sure how many houses I'll cover at any one go but just to get a general idea of the size of the town at the moment here's a picture of Familiarity in all it's boringness showing the total 'playable' households.

At the bottom of the screen is the main Legacy household which is a bit separated from the rest of the households.  I currently have 35 houses in the rotation.  On the other side of the river unseen in this shot is unplayed land which currently only holds a small handful of houses, my simself lives there along with the Tricous and the UA safehouse.  I officially moved Juliet's house into the main neighborhood at the start of this rotation.  There are a few old placeholder households downtown and then Grim lives in the shopping district 'burbs' which was added in order to have beach lots available.  There's plenty of space for more houses when they are needed.  With the exception of the main legacy lot all families currently live on 3x3 lots.  While the houses aren't necessarily boxes they aren't spectacular to look at.

Capp Household - Elliot and Deanna (Indie) Capp +2 Ezekiel Capp and Ezra Capp

I started the rotation with Elliot and Deanna because I wanted to play the houses that will be a part of my update in the order of the events that would be happening at each.  Doing it that way would allow me to keep Elle and Denise in their college looks for a little bit even though they had already graduated prior to rotation start, I also didn't want obvious pregnancies ect.. out of order.

Not a lot happened at the Capp's beyond what was already reported or that will be included in chapter 25 except that Juliet and Caleb's past history caught up with them at the wedding of their children.   This is the silliest part of the sims to me, years of happily being married and yet seeing a old flame flirt with her husband is cause to slap, cuss and kick trash cans.  The only way to avoid these situations is to a)cheat or b)refuse to keep up friendships with old flames, because we all know that there's no way to end a relationship amicably and be happy for the happiness of someone you once cared about.  I just wish it was as easy for sims to fall out of love as it is for them to fall in love.

Primary Legacy Household - David, Titania, Emma, Aldric, Eva Familiar

Next up was the primary house which of course will be covered extensively in the next update, suffice it to say that the big event of the rotation was Emma and Aldric's wedding.

They didn't roll low until the last day of the rotation so this is pretty much what Emma's been doing since I left the house.  I feel bad leaving her pregnant but unless the birth is due within 24 hours of the end of a rotation I don't like extending the rotation drastically.

Dreamer Household #1 - Carlise, Professor Kaylynn, Drago and Andrea Dreamer +1 Ellic Dreamer

This is the household that started with Barbie and Darren Dreamer, it then went to Bade and Rebecca and following them is the current elder generation Carlise and Kaylynn.  Their only mutual child is Daxia who is confirmed romancer and is living at the Playgirl party pad.  Carlise has twin sons as the result of an alien abduction and it's Drago that's carrying on the Dreamer line here.

Drago Dreamer is a Fortune sim that wants to earn 100,000 and shouldn't have any problems doing so.  He met cheerleader Andrea Bruty fairly early in his university career and decided that she was the one he wanted.  Andrea is a Family sim that simply wants a Golden wedding anniversary.   I've had a llama wandering my hood since Al first married Robin and it seems to be tradition to add a new one each time the previous one passes away.

In every household I used the weather machine to reset the season to Summer in order that all houses would be in sync and yet the ponds seem to take a few days to get the message and melt.  Drago and Andrea had an evening wedding ceremony attended by his two siblings and a handful of other friends and family members.

Before the end of the rotation the population increased by one, son Ellic Dreamer shows off his unlocked alien eyes for the world to see.   Plantsims are good child care givers, they never need sleep so they are constantly available for 2am feedings and diaper changes, plus any oppsies just increase the water motive for plant sims rather than bottoming out hygiene.

Indie Household #1 - Caleb and Pamela, Dante and Dierdra, Emlen Indie +1 Emilio Indie

This household was begun by Bailey Dreamer and her husband Mitch Indie.  They passed it on to the current elder set of Caleb and Pamela who in turn are passing it along to eldest child Dante and his wife Dierdra.  When it comes to who inherits what house it's pretty random, I try to look at the aspiration mixes of who's currently living in the house along with the possibilities of who could be living there.  I like a variety of aspirations when possible.  I also figure that non family/knowledge sims that won't necessarily roll teaching wants might want some help from the grandparents.  In this case both Caleb and Pamela are family sims but they are pretty bad family sims, I think they may have rolled one or two teaching wants when their kids were little, and none for Emlen though they have rolled wants for Emilio so that's something at least.

I've already talked about Dante and Deirdra in previous updates as well as gushing about their sons Emlen and Emilio.  I'll probably gush about Emlen some more later on since he's nominated himself to be the welcome to childhood wagon all on his own.  I smell a pop in the making.

Dierdra did give me a good scare when during Emlen's birthday party while she was pregnant with Emilio she and Deanna played catch in the rain and Dierdra caught a lightening bolt.  She managed not to starve which is a good thing but she has an had an accident memory now.

Dante's not the neatest sim by a long run but you'd think a fortune sim would have a bit more interest in putting on a good show for the headmaster wouldn't you?

Familiar House #2 - Christopher and Sadie Familiar, Darlene and Daffodil (Dreamer) Familiar +1 Evander Familiar

The household was founded by Clint and Lucy Familiar who passed it to their only son Christopher and his wife Sadie and they in turn have passed the house to daughter Darlene and her wife Daffodil (Dreamer) Familiar.  I took Dannon and Della out of the mix when Christopher showed up with bolts for Della, I don't want to tempt fates and even a happily married romancer can still be a romancer.

Darlene and Daffodil are two of the three generation six females that rolled gay.  Darlene is the cousin that Emma was initially bolting for as a bi teen, but even if Emma hadn't been the heiress I would have tried to avoid the relationship since they are second cousins.   Daffodil was part of the spore child assistance program along with Dryas and so she's already achieved her lifetime want of 20 best friends.  While she was living with Bob and Sierra she really didn't show much interest in romantic relationships though she did hop in the hot tub with Kirsten Singles a few times.   I generally don't like matching same aspirations when it's avoidable so I put off introducing these two for awhile, but there really weren't that many options available and as it happens the third gen six lesbian is also a pop and she's matched with a pop as well.

Since Daffodil was already perma plat she went ahead and took the cure before getting married.  Plant sims are low maintenance but they get really boring and I like to be able to tell my sims to go sleep for awhile and leave me alone :)

We held off the wedding for a day, since I knew Grim would be coming to pick up Lucy soon.  In actuality she only lived two days longer than her husband but it was an entire college play period so it seems like a long while.

Darlene and Daffodil's wedding was extremely well attended.  Darlene only has Dannon for a brother and they have no first cousins so their family circle has always been fairly small.  But with their marriages it's ballooned in size.  Daffodil has three half siblings Dashiell, Didi, and Dyan as well as her adopted spore family.  They all came to the wedding.

I've always liked playing Chris but I got really tickled when he spent about an hour congratulating Darlene on getting married.  It was a constant loop of grats on your marriage daughter!  He's always been a pretty non typical romancer and yet I don't really see him as anything other than a romancer.

On the last day of their rotation Darlene gave birth to her and Daffodil's son Evander.  He's got red hair courtesy of Great-Great Grandma Betty.

Damien and Don Tan +1 Eysia Tan

I've already talked about Damien and his firefighter Don in previous updates.

When I left Damien and Don previously Don was in his second trimester of his first pregnancy.  Upon returning to the house they quickly welcomed daughter Elysia.  Elysia was extremely welcome for several reasons, first off her daddies faces look much better on females than on males, then of course there was the recessive alien skin tone coming out and thirdly I was about to give up hope on girls.  So far this generation I'm really lopsided with more than twice as many boys as girls.

To welcome Elysia to the family and to celebrate the fact that it was the weekend the Tans threw a party.  Pretty much every house in the hood gets a party or a family gathering during the weekend.  I generally don't make them official parties because I don't want a timer running.  I just do a lot of invite households and we invite all the siblings, and later the first cousins.  In this case with siblings there would only be one house invited Damien's parents along with his brother and his fiance, so we also invited a few more folks.  We pulled Bob and Sierra over so that they could meet their first Great-Great-Grandchild and as normal they paid very little attention to anyone but each other.  I get irritated with some three bolt couples but Bob and Sierra just make me smile,  they're great-great-grandparents and they're still stalking each other :)

The next night it was a smaller party just the grandparents and a few people that walked in off the street or came home with one of Elysia's Dad's from work.  I don't yet know which nose she has, I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it's Don's nose which looks much better on girls than Damien's beak does.

On a fun side note on one of the days that I was playing the Tan's; Aldric did a walk by and then played court in the hot tub to all the other walk bys.  I really think that if there is a pop on the lot the walk by traffic increases at least two fold even over the increased walk by traffic that seems to be a part of Free Time.  By the time Aldric left in the wee hours of the morning I'd counted five aspiration boosts from making friends.  He should be good and plat when I get back to the main house.

London House #1 - Collin and Mary-Sue London, Dean and Delta (Indie) London

Originally this was Al's household the house has changed several times since Al and Robin but the household is their direct line.  It went from Al and Robin to Amelia and Bo then to Becca and Blair and now the current elders are Collin and Mary-Sue.  Their son Dean and his wife Delta are taking over the house at this point.

Dean's a typical London male, he's serious, neat, mean and lumpy.  He's my most active primper of this generation, it's a constant habit for him.   He's a knowledge sim and he got his career related lifetime want taken care of during this first rotation, I think it was adventure but I didn't write it down apparently.

Delta Indie is the least good looking of the Indie girls but that's just being picky cause all the Indie's are gorgeous.  Eldest daughter of Calvin and Tamara Indie, Delta is a family sim that wants to be Mayor.   I kinda dubbed Delta as the "Girl All The Bad Guys Want" since she wasn't all that smart in picking her early romantic partners.  She rolled up engagement wants for a couple of romancers and a pleasure seeker before falling for a first cousin once removed and then a second cousin.  I was disparing her finding an acceptable romantic target, she seemed doomed to heart break.

But all she needed to do was wait for the younger crew to make it to campus.  Dean is several 'seasons' younger than his bride, so she had to wait for him to graduate.  It wasn't that bad though once she had a ring on her finger she was happy.

Dean's one of the sims that appeared with Alien eyes after his adult makeover.  I was pretty shocked by it, and gave his father a makeover and wow Collin had em too :)

It was a night time wedding with lots of guests, both the London's and the Indies are fairly prolific.   Dean and Delta however were rolling high and didn't manage a lullaby until the night before their rotation ended, which surprised me considering their aspirations.  Most of my family sims didn't even wait for their weddings.

The two things that are really coming out this generation so far - this is the kicky bag and dancing generation.  I'm really starting to think that Kicky bag got a nudge up in autonomy while the seasons things got a nudge down.  There are a lot few water balloon fights in my hood at the moment but any given gathering will have several kickybag games going on.   Given the choice I'm VERY happy with kicky bag since it takes less room relatively plus its a great way to build fun + social + relationships for multiple sims at once.

The ghosts have been pretty active this rotation so far.  At the beginning of generation five's adult lives I moved most of the families to new houses upping them from 2x2 lots to 3x3 lots in order to add gardens.  At that point I moved all graves but the ones at the main legacy house to the family cemetery we'll have to see how they behave this generation, the first close call from a scare to death and I'm moving them again.

London Household # 2 Switch from Familiar - Cale and Charlotte Familiar, Devon and Dia London

Originally this was Baird and Ashley's household, they passed it on to daughter Charlotte and her husband Cale Familiar.  It's now being transfered to daughter Dia and her husband Devon London.  Household name will change to London for various reasons that I kept popping around in my mind, mainly Devon is the only London of his line that will be keeping the London name.  Celeste and Cort's household went back to Smith with Dolcelatte's marriage.  Baird's line of Familiar's will be continued by daughter Dawn and her wife Heidi since I just can't see giving Dawn the name Fuchs.  But since the house is a pleasure seeker playground already I thought Dia and Devon would get more enjoyment out of the toys than Dawn and Heidi would, and it saves me from having to buy even more saunas, bubble blowers and dj booths.

And Pleasure Seekers Dia and Devon are indeed.  Like Devon's parents Celeste and Cort they each have the want for 50 dream dates, and even though Devon is personality points wise as bad of a potential pleasure seeker as his father pleasure just suits him in a very odd way.

See I think Devon was somehow effected by all that cheese he ate as a child.  It made him really quirky in a good way.  I love Dev he's in my top five for the generation.   I really wanted to feature him in the main updates somehow but other than being Emma's 'first' he really didn't figure in all that much.   In my mind Devon is a guy of few words, I picture him as the Dude Guy.  All he says is dude but depending on the tone and reflection that's all he has to say.

On the other side of the coin, I picture Dia as this spoiled rotten rich girl.  Kinda a jet setter euro-trash party girl.  I was kinda shocked when they hooked up; I figured she'd be the type to fall for Mr. Big, not Mr. Dude.  But then in a way it kinda fits, maybe Devon's some guy she picked up while on a bubble binge or something who knows :)

However it happened, Dia declared that she wanted Devon and he didn't have much say about the matter.  Again that's kinda the way I picture Dia as staking a claim and making a declaration of how things are going to be.  I guess I picture Dia as a bit of a bitch.

I gave all of Cort and Celeste's kids the secondary aspiration of Cheese and so Devon catered his own wedding party.  I had them get married inside because this lot is just badly laid out when it comes to yard space.   Between the garden and the pool there just wasn't enough room in the back yard for a good party.

Goth House - Alexander, Bottom and Erasmus Goth +1 Euclid Goth

Alex and Bottom are the first generation in this house, and yeah I've talked about them bunches in the past so not a ton to say other than I really like these two.

They're one of those couples that just kinda slips in there and grows on you.  One of the reasons I really like them at the moment is that they are really good parents.  Alex is Knowledge/Pleasure and he rolls all the proper teach things wants and takes the time to play with the boys all on his own.  Bo on the other hand is Pleasure/Family and other than the current want to have another baby that's sitting in her panel she never rolls wants for either of them but she's an autonomous snuggler and tucks Erasmus into bed at least once every night.  Bo and Alex are both very middle of the road placid sims, seven active points for each is as close as either of them come to being extreme.   Euclid has a similar personality.

Erasmus on the other hand, is a Pisces 1/7/7/2/10 he's serious enough to study well, while outgoing and nice enough to make friends really easily.  Creepy nice smile ahoy!   The only friends his age that I'm sure he's made so far are Blade Familiar and cousin Egeus Summerdream, but given the opportunities he'll be racking them up shortly.

At the moment the household is on a kinda strange schedule since both Alex and Bo have reached their LTW's to be Criminal Masterminds.  The boys end up with a Nanny all evening but Erasmus has to stay up in order to run greet Mom and Dad when they come home.  When he doesn't have a friend over in the afternoon I make him take a nap before doing his homework and then calling a friend/family member.

He's made friends with his other Grandmother.  I figured it was a bout time for Bella to get reintroduced to her son, I didn't have Bella involved in Cass's life since the Bella I extracted is the ST Bella that has no memories rather than the PV Bella that knows who she is.   But I have been slowly integrating her into family things through Alex.  Mortimer is always included as well, he's been a part of the family gatherings since Cary and Cass got married.

London House #3 - Caine and Lora London, Douglas and Tosha London   

Household started by Caine and Lora London, a household founded by two family sims who produced a mixed genes brood.  The girls are uniquely pretty Deirdra more so than Darcy.  The boys?  Well the boys are Londons :}

Doug had a hard time in high school he kept wanting to compete with his twin for romancing Delilah Familiar but 'Lilah wasn't having anything to do with Douglas.  He and Denise eventually hooked up as aspiration fodder in order to get him plat for his transition.  They were never serious, after Dane left for Uni Denise dated several different guys most of whom she didn't look at twice once they got to college.

Eventually Douglas hooked up with dormie Tosha Custer, she's got the Sandy Bruty face I think and I'm not sure how the two will meld together but here's hoping :)  These two seem to really want a child they kept trying but were high rollers, finally on the last night of their rotation they threw me a risky.  First one of those for the generation.  Both are Fortune sims, Douglas wants to be The Law and Tosha is working on Adventure.

The only real problem with these two is that Tosha is outgoing while Douglas is shy, so Tosha is forever telling him dirty jokes which offend him and so they'll loose relationship frequently because of the jokes.  It's kinda sad when the traditional first interaction of marriage life produces negatives.

Smith Household - Cort and Celeste London, Matthew, Dolcelatte and Edam Smith +1 Esrom Smith

The household was originally founded by Johnny and Cher Smith, then switched to London when Cort and Celeste took over.   When Dolcey decided she wanted Matthew Smith I figured she should get the house and his last name which would put the family name and household name back together again.

I've already talked some about Matt and Dolcey, he was an elderly garden clubber but he's been aged down.

Eldest son Edam was briefly introduced during the last baby spam as an infant.  He looks a lot like his Daddy but has an interesting mix of personality genes.  Edam is an Aries 9/9/7/3/7 not a typical London personality a) he's too nice and b) he's outgoing!

Edam had his kid turning and was promptly welcomed by the welcome wagon.  He brought Diana McAuley home from school with him but the alert had gone out that there was a new kid in town and Emlen wandered by to say hello within minutes Hal Capp decided to check out what happening and he appeared as well.  Counting heads showed we needed a group activity so a don't tip the Llama board was quickly plopped down and the game lasted long enough for everyone to get everyone in their panels before Dad came home and broke up the game with a run to hug.   I should have locked them into fishing instead.   After greeting his father and getting his learn to study want cleared Edam rolled up friend wants and started down the list of welcome wagoners.

On the day that Edam became a child the family welcomed little brother Esrom who is the opposite in personality from big brother.  Esrom is a Sag 5/3/10/10/3.  He looks a little more Londony than Edam did, we'll see if his face explodes next season.

I think I'm gonna wrap this one up here, I'll see if I can get the next group up tonight which will take us through Titania's first granddaughter.

dreamer, capp, london, spoilers, spares, cousins, goth, indie, summer, tan, smith, familiar

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