Title: Misled
Author: DarkDani
Rating: PG (though there’s a bit of suggestion lol)
Word Count: 135
Summary: “Jethro!”
Disclaimer: Don’t Own ETC
Author’s Note: Just a short silly drabble. I’m hoping it’ll inspire more stories on here =]
Jethro trotted up the stairs, at is master’s call. One word, repeated in his mind at every step, ‘Treat. Treat. Treat.’ He’d be getting it later that he was normally allowed, but he wasn’t complaining.
Getting to the top of the stairs, Jethro wandered over to his master’s and the other male’s bedroom. He starred at the closed door, listening intently. Hearing muffled pants and soft mumbling voices he recognised, he whined and started scratching the door, wanting to receive his treat before going back to bed. Instead he heard his masters exhausted command ‘Go to bed, Jet’
Huffing, as much as a dog could, Jethro started down the stairs again. Mentally adding, ‘Leave surprise in male’s flower bed’, to his ‘to do’ list. That would teach them for denying him the promised treat.
The End