The previous rounds were fun! Come join us for round three! Please check the rules and roles list
here before signing up.
Sign ups are open starting TODAY until July 14 3pm EST/8 pm GMT and the game will start July 15 7am EST/12pm GMT.
Players are secretly assigned roles: either "assassins", who know each other; or "innocents", who know only the number of assassins amongst them. In the game's "night" phase the assassins covertly 'murder' an innocent. During the day phase, all of the surviving players debate the identities of the assassins and vote to lynch a suspect. However, if the voting ends up in a tie, no one dies.
Play continues until all of the assassins have been eliminated, or until the assassins outnumber the innocents.
This Mafia is all about NCIS and NCIS: LA. You can sign up as any character, dead or alive, good or bad.
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