Title: Tell me not, sweet, I am unkind...
chaletianChallenge: Poetry
Characters: Shannon Gibbs
Summary: Introspection from Gibbs’ wife, prompted by Herrick’s poem “To Lucasta, on Going to the Wars”.
Shannon Gibbs had never exactly embraced her husband’s career as a Marine. What woman could, in all honesty? She was proud of him, that went without question. She loved him. She would always wait for him. But truthfully? She hated the Marines. The other wives did too, mostly. It wasn’t something you shouted about. That wasn’t fair, not to anyone. It wasn’t a subject that came up in casual conversation, chatting at a party or bumping into someone at the grocery story. It wasn’t something you ever - ever - told your husband (or wife, in a very few cases), not until it was all over, and the dust had settled, and you were living in a town somewhere where Semper Fi had stopped being a matter of life and death. Shannon was really looking forward to that.
But until then, until her husband retired from active service, she would sit and wait as best she could, because she loved Jethro, and this was what he did and this was what he was.
I could not love thee, dear, so much,
Loved I not honor more.