I was reading this article, "
Texting Makes U Stupid" in the Newsweek online.
The Book Camp suggested by the author, reminded me of the days when I first moved into the then, new house in JB.
There was no internet connection, no cable tv and no easy transport to get me out of the area. Basically, I'm just stuck in the house. So I bought all the available Harry Potter books then and started reading. I read day and night.
I remembered myself fascinated by the magical world and Hogwarts.
It's really difficult to get the kids to read these days, even harder with the advent of tablets. Why would a kid want to pick up the conventional book, thick with so many pages when there is the tablet, which, at the touch of their fingers, produce sounds, vibrations & action?
I guess it's really important to cultivate the good habit of reading since young.
A kid who reads can't go too wrong, right?