okie im not sure if everyone knows.... but there's this case of a child care teacher abusing a kid until this kid fractured his left shin spreading on facebook...
here are the videos...
Vid 1
http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=553679704689329 Vid 2
http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=553672024690097 okie and so because of this, got some people got so heated up about this incident that he had said some apparently some words that people without iman would say....
and that hamba Allah is this person below...
okie what he says about how local child care teachers are "unqualified"... but what pisses me off particularly is when he relate us women with hijab/tudung/scarf is really shows how much this person has no iman....anyway from what i know muslims who insults another muslim is nothing better than an animal too.... Astaghfirullahalazim... just see below..
yes i also too used to say that not all people who wear hijab is a good person... apparently i despise muslimah who wears hijab just because its "the in-thing" now.... or muslimah who wears hijab but still wear skimppy clothes... seriously i think if u think wearing hijab is for fashion purpose then i suggest you all shouldnt wear it in the first place!!! please go back to your religious book and read throughly the reason why Allah make us women wear hijab and the proper way to wear it!!
aniwae back to the above incident... to term a human being as an animal is definitely a no-no! who are you to judge a human as an animal.... ?! only Allah can judge us Encik Abdul Malik!
and below another post...
so yea my sis is a childcare teacher... apparently this person does not know what these teachers has been through..and so my sis fren actually tried to "enlighten" him...
in the first place, are u urself able to handle more than 20 kids at a time...?! i know how this teacher express her frustration is wrong..definitly not cool... but teachers are humans too...and some humans have a different approach to handling pressure... i mean if your buttons are constantly pushed to your limits, wont you lose your cool too? don't say you never did such things... cos me myself, i did such things before....and when your patience are constantly being put to the test, some wont think thoroughly before making the next action... just like the above incident.. apparently this teacher wasnt able to handle the pressure..i mean kids these days...im sure most of u agree some kids are just hard to handle and they really love to push our buttons to the limit... okie i am no parent but i myself seeing kids in the mrt or bus running around unattended, i too feel very annoyed... now put yourself in the this teacher's shoes.... imagine yourself having to handle 24 times of a scoundrel kid everyday... can u handle it? and not forgetting adding pressure from the 24 kids' parents....yes! these teachers are constantly pressured by parents..not only about their child's improvement.. but also on matters like not giving the kid enough homework.... yes it did happen before...tsk tsk....plus adding on ... pressure from management and from personal life...boss, family, your own kids etc.... so now let me ask u... can u handle the pressure if you are in this situation? if u can, let me remind you ...action speaks louder than words..or like what my colleagues and i use to say..NPNT (no pic no talk)... and may i remind you parents who thinks you have raised your child well, do you think your child is what they are at home when they are in school...? i mean ask yourself, dun tell me you were never a troublemaker in school once... ? tsk tsk...think about it...
okie now the kid is said to fracture his shin... below is the pic of his injured leg...
okie from what i know fractured legs does not involve blood shed....and what is with the dressing? i have been through leg surgery before and a doctor's dressing doesnt look like as what you seen above...!!! are the parents of this kid trying to over exaggerate things?! now think about it...
okie in summary, i feel like this incident should be taken as a lesson learnt for everyone... in terms of how we handle our patience (remember, patience is half of our Iman) and the way we all hamba Allah handle this situation... from what i see here, trying to condemn your own Muslim brothers and sisters is definitely very wrong...especially when you open their mistakes to public...
taken from this bloggers post (original source :-
http://blurrberabis3.blogspot.sg/2011/06/dedahkan-aib-orang.html) which i find it worth reading this:-
Mengaibkan orang lain adalah sikap mazmumah yang dibenci dalam Islam dan menjadi punca kepada rosaknya hati. Allah tidak suka orang-orang Islam membuka aib orang lain. Ia di jelaskan dalam surah al-Hujurat ayat 12 yang bermaksud :-
"Wahai orang-orang yang beriman, jauhilah kebanyakan dari prasangka, sesungguhnya prasangka itu adalah dosa, dan janganlah kamu mencari-cari kesalahan orang lain dan janganlah ada antara kamu yang membuat fitnah dan tuduhan sebahagian yang lain. Apakah ada antara kamu yang suka memakan daging saudaranya yang sudah mati? Tentu kamu merasa jijik. Dan bertaqwalah kepada Allah. Sesunngguhnya Allah Maha Penerima Taubat, lagi maha Penyayang".
Nabi S.A.W juga bersabda mafhumnya,
"Barang siapa membuka aib saudaranya, Allah akan membuka aibnya di akhirat".
Jelas, Islam melarang keras perbuatan mengaibkan orang kerana ia adalah haram dan berdosa. Apa yang berlaku hari ini, masyarakat saling menjatuhkan musuh mereka dengan mengaibkan atau mengenakan fitnah zina. Ia sekali gus menggambarkan keadaan masyarakat dan umat yang sedang menuju kehancuran.
Translation in summary:-
Islam do not like fellow Muslims to open up other people's wrong doings.. it is the same as eating your own brothers or sisters meat/flesh.... It is Haram and definitely a sin... As quoted from Prophet Muhammad (peace to be upon him):-
"Whoever opens his brothers or sisters wrong doings, Allah will open his or her wrong doings in the Afterlife"
so lets stop the sinning..forgive and forget...and take the good from this incident... I know what she did is not what a Muslimah ought to be, but who are we to punish her like this? public humiliation....? let Allah punish her as Allah is the All-knowing yet most Forgiving...remember karma...adding more fuel to the burning fire would not solve it and no good would come... so just rest this case... and turn to Allah for guidance...
just my food for thought.... hope we all can learn from this... ^_^