two more firsts one sucks one doesn't,lol !

May 29, 2008 03:22

It's been awhile i know, i'm still here just doing the usual living and work thing.I Really need to find a new job for economic reasons and for  one iv'e read  in so many friends LJ's . Starting fresh at a job where i'm Keri,the new woman at work.I'll never be seen fully as Keri where i am now cause they'll always be someone who 's seen me before transition and there's always the pronoun issues,not sure if that will change with time?
 Oh yeah,back to the two latest firsts :) I guess i'll start with the one that sucks first.I got my first ticket since i was seventeen,.I was told i didn't come to a complete stop.The cop comes up to my window and says ma am can i see your license and registration,truth  be told i wanted to show it to someone :) ,no pronoun issues,lol.Well getting a ticket sucks but he called me ma am,miss Green,without skipping a beat,no stares, no questions,he saw me totally as female.
   Now for the one that doesn't :) :) It's a first that i wasn't sure i'd be ready for ever! I'll preface this by saying i've been spending alot of time with Lisa,a girl that's been cutting my hair,color ,streaks,i will have pics soon,i promise.Anyway she's become my Best  friend and she's helped me in so many ways and makes me smile every time  i see her!Her best friend Phyllis and her husband Brian invited me to their Memorial Day pool party,yes i said pool party,can you say holly sh t ! I've got to be the palest person on the planet and i've never liked bathing suits,EVER!!!!!!!! Lisa said we'll go bathing suit shopping and go to the party,i said no,no,no,no,i'll wear my jeans and  a cute top.Lisa said no way Keri,we're getting you a bathing suit,i should mention arguing with Lisa is not a good thing cause she always wins,Always!So the morning before the party we go bathing suit shopping,ya can probly guess how much fun the shaving prep was,i see a whole new laser appointment in my future.We went to Belks,i said lets look for yours first,she gave me a look that i couldn't quite capture on this page and the search for my bathing suit began.I found a tankini i liked and so it was time to try it on, panic,no panic, panic, i began with the top,moved things into position,lol,and then pulled on the bottomI kinda just stood there,wearing my first bathing suit and Lisa said well take a look in the mirror,silly ya look good,miss skinny,i'm not that skinny,really! I turned around and looked and all the panic was for nothing,i looked so much better than i thought and going to the pool party didn't seem like such a bad thing anymore:) Lisa picked hers out,she tried it on,not a fan of bathing suits either,but she looked awesome and it was time to get to the party.It was surreal as we walked from our friends house out to the pool.There were people already there and i felt that familiar panic but excitement won out.Lisa,Jim,Phyllis Brian and Katie made me feel so at home and nobody stared or thought anything except i was a new friend hanging at the party.I can't tell ya how good it feels.I know most of you who read my LJ have been there,done that,but if you haven't it's gonna happen too you and then you'll know how good it feels! Wish ya all the best!
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