I'm still here

Apr 04, 2008 02:47

    I haven't posted in a while i guess cause i've been living a normal day to day life as Keri,so cool,not always perfect but finally enjoying my life for the first time.I did want to say a few things and i guess i'll start with a few things that made me smile.I'll be four months fulltime on april 13 th and i' ve probly been out to almost everyone i know and places i do business,except one that i just came out to and that was the car dealership and it was time to get my oil changed ect.I called on the phone to make an appointment and my voice is really the only thing that kinda says is that a guy or a girl.Well i tell em i'm changing my gender and there's just a silence ok miss Green and then an appointment time to bring my car to the dealership.I'm finally comforatable being me but ya never know how people will react when you're there in front of them.I pulled into the dealship and there were two guys conveniently waiting for me,like that would ever happen,lol.I park my car and a guy comes up to me as i was getting out and just treats me so well.I go inside and there's a young guy at the counter who knows me and asks what i've been doing with a smile and then another guy straight out asks did i have the surgery, when did i know i was transgendered  ect,and says ya look so good.I was thinking the worst,cause i was in a car dealership and the guys tend to be very macho car guys and if i'd been younger i'd probly have a date before i left,well that's if i liked guys,lol.I went shopping after that and something else happened that would have never happened  as a male,lol.I was walking across the parking lot  with a car coming and started to slow down to let the car pass and a guy opens his window says  hi and tells me to keep walking, just a very good day,and i'm still smiling,but it's not always that way i still here people whispering once in a while and my boss sometimes slips.I don't think i'll ever be completely Keri at work and it's the only place where i sometimes don't feel like i do everywhere else.I'm putting my resume out there and as much as i like my job and where i live,to be truely accepted as Keri is gonna mean moving on,and i'm ready ,it'll be worth it to just be seen and accepted as Keri by everyone.Before i go a girlfriend,Lisa,shes' so awesome, got me started on myspace,so if ya have one,please friend me,if ya want to,i hope everyones doing well,I've said it before but it's so true i would have never made it this far without ya,and i'm so looking foward to the future,some minor facial surgery and then SRS.
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