nothing exciting but it was for me!

Feb 01, 2008 03:02

It's been about a month and a half fulltime and it's only getting better.Don't know why i waited so long,it's always taken me longer to accomplish things but it just makes finally getting there so much better. I was doing some shopping Wednesday night at a local Loews food chain here in North Carolina and i had my dog Jamiee with me in the car. Jamiee is a Belgian Malinois,and if ya didn't know you'd think she was a German shepard,ya wouldn't want to mess with her and if i gave her the word the end result woudn't be pretty,she's so awesome.I digress,i'm still a little self conscious when i shop alone, i'm not sure if that's how it is with anyone else living fulltime for that amount of time.Anyway i was coming out of the store and i saw a truck parked next to my car and the truck lights were on getting ready to pull out.I waited a moment for the truck to pull out but it didn't.I walked towards my car and around to the passenger side so i wouldn't be in the way when the truck finally pulled away. I got closer and the truck window opened and there was this guy and he had a dog with him and he asked me about my dog,said how beautiful she was and how calm she was ect.I was never so nervous in my life.I guess i'm still at that stage where i like to keep a low profile,not hide but not be in anyones' face.He just started talking to me like he knew me forever and i started to talk to him and the nervous feelings i had just melted away.It was such an awesome feeling,he saw me as a woman,i unlocked my car got in and Jamiee was in the guys face,she's so protective. We talked for awhile about our dogs and how nice it was to have met,i wasn't ready for anything else,at least not yet ;) but i drove away with the biggest smile ever!!!!!!! I never thought i could be into guys but this guy made me think it's a possibilty!
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