Got an "F" + PIcs

Jan 10, 2008 01:25

When i got my New license, awhile ago, i went with my name change court order and as i mentioned in the post i wrote when i got it, they gave me an M on my license.I was so excited to just get my new license with Keri on it that i just accepted it.Later i thought my pic is female my name is female and the M on the license looks sooo out of place,it really sucks cause i'm not male,not to me anyway.I recently went for my blood check to make sure my kidneys and liver were ok and that the hormone levels were where they're suppose to be.Anyway i mentioned it to my doctor and she was so awesome to write me a letter explaining that i'm physiologically female and a change of legal gender designation is appropriate and necessary to allow keri to safely work,study and travel.She went on to define the DMV classification ,where an individual's phychological gender is in extreme conflict with their anatomical gender and that the gender designation on my license should be changed from M to F. I went to the DMV today with the letter in hand and my fingers crossed.I waited till my number was called and a woman signaled me to her desk.I didn't waist any time when she asked me what she could do for me.I told her i was transgendered and explained the last time i was there i only had my Order and Certificate of Name Change but that i had a letter from my doctor explaining my situation.She began to read the letter and i told her that i'm living and working fulltime as a female and my drivers picture is female but has an M making it very confusing to anyone checking it for whatever reason.She put the letter down and she smiled and you're not gonna believe it, but she told me her cousin is also transgendered and is changing her sex as well from male to female. What are the odds of all the peolpe that could have assisted me it would turn out to be someone so cool with what i was doing.She began typing away on the computer key board and asked me what i did and i told her about my having done rock lighting and now being a projectionist.We're into the same music and she said how happy i looked but as she continued to type i have to admit i was a bit nervous.She stopped typing and said that it's all done,i kinda looked at her and she said she just finished changing my sex on the info data they had on record from male to female.I almost began to cry,not a good thing with my makeup and all and my pic looks a bit sad cause i had to fight back the tears i was so happy i almost cried. I took a picture of my new, new license, i just had to and included a few on my deck of me,my dog Jamiee and Rudolph :) Oh click on the pics if ya dare, It's the First "F" i've ever been excited about,lol!

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