Sep 18, 2009 18:57
1. If there was one thing about your body you could change, what would it be?
After reading this, I had to think hard about what my answer would be. That being said, I am happy with my body and wouldn't change anything really. I suppose it would be nice to have tighter abdomen and to be a little more toned again... I'm not a fabulous as I was back when I was dancing and active in sports. Still, I'm happy with my body and anything that I'd want to change can be done in the gym as opposed to under the knife. *shrugs*
2. Would you rather lose 10lbs or 10 points off your IQ?
I believe that the person who submitted these questions meant to ask something more like, " Would you rather lose 10lbs and 10 points off your IQ or not lose weight and keep the same IQ?". Umm, if that is the case, I would rather keep the 10lbs as well as the 10 IQ points. However, if the question was meant the way it was submitted... then I guess I would rather lose 10lbs.
Actually... not sure. I would lose the 10lbs as long as I was allowed to gain the weight back later. Both are crappy options to me, as I don't desire to weight much less than I do now.
3. When you look in the mirror, are you happy with what you see?
Well, with the exception of my eyebrows, I am happy with what I see when I look in the mirror. I think I will have them done next week because yikes, it's been a while!
4. Have you ever dyed your hair?
Yes. No. I henna my hair, which is essentially dying it, although I do it for the conditioning benefits. My hair was dark reddish brown before, but now the red is a bit out of control at times. Every now and then I will give it a dark brown rinse, which usually washes out of my hair within a week. So, I guess my answer is yes...
5. How often do you weigh yourself?
Never. About 3 times a year I am aware of my weight because of a visit to the doctor's. That's about it.