Note to self:

Mar 03, 2009 23:36

When dyeing hair with henna, wear gloves.

I can't believe I forgot! I should know better than to do that... and now it'll take forever to fade! My nails need to be cut now, which isn't so horrible since they grow pretty fast. But ew...

Perhaps I should try to take what's left and make a nice design on my palms to make it look deliberate. This sucks.

The search for another job has ended more or less. I'll still keep my eye out but I've applied to so many places and no one wants me. Sometimes, I forget that I DO have a job... I haven't worked in like a month. Wtf is that? If you're employed somewhere I think they should at least have to give you one day a week. In a few months things may get better, or worse. Plan B will kick in during June. I'll keep my mouth shut so as not to jinx myself... I want it so badly. I think there is an 82% chance of it working out but if it didn't it would be the story of my life. I'll be sad though...

All I want is money. I hate money but it's good for many things. Lately, I've been into make-up, which is unlike me. Once you get into hair care it leads to skin care and sometimes make-up. There are a few M.A.C. products and brushes that I'm dying to have but they'll have to wait I suppose. Also, I'm thinking about playing DDR again. I need to lose a LITTLE weight and running isn't my thing (ironic). It's just boring... The only problem I have with DDR is I'm afraid I'll get competitive again. I hated those days... who stresses about that stuff? I sure did.. We'll see. I seriously have to do something quickly. I feel so yucky.

That's all for now.

Oh, I'm taking Japanese this summer, haha. It's not really that random given my hobbies and interests. This summer, God willing, will be my last semester and I've never gotten to take it. It's been Spanish and Arabic. I'm pretty sure this is the first time they've offered it during the summer... I feel like it's just for me!
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