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Comments 20

gizzi1213 May 21 2013, 04:53:00 UTC
Just a few quick thoughts ( ... )


buttercups3 May 21 2013, 07:25:05 UTC
2. Was there almost a longing "last look" between Monroe and Rachel? Or has the show just gotten me into "look for romance everywhere mode?"

Well, I share your disease. I, too, noted a meaningful look.


gizzi1213 May 21 2013, 11:21:39 UTC
I'm glad to know I wasn't alone in noticing it, but I also feel alarmed that the disease is, apparently, contagious.

This episode was so heavy handed in the treatment of the romance storylines tonight it was almost painful to watch. I mean, Miles FINALLY shows some actual interest in Nora, but he had to get laid before he did. But in this episode he's all sad eyed when Jim asks if there's any news on Nora. And then he's all "It's me" in two scenes, acting the love sick swain. I suppose I should be glad they didn't bring out the sledgehammer and have him start calling her Dear, Honey, Darling, Sweetheart, or some other vomit inducing term of endearment. There is just NO chemistry between the characters or the actors.

Jason and Charlie were at least a bit more believable, as I can fully understand why Charlie wouldn't trust Jason, as Jason himself said, he's lied to her too many times. But it's another plot devise to keep the Romeo and Juliet aspect of their storyline in play.


buttercups3 May 21 2013, 15:39:27 UTC
So I don't really understand how this LJ thing works, since my posts are flagged as spam, but I can reply to others... Can someone explain it all to me? I'm old.

Anyway, Gizzi, you already know I ship Miles-Nora (and have a fairly lengthy post about it on this thread once/if it ever appears), so you won't be shocked when I say that I shipped the you-know-what out of them last night (and will shortly give birth to a million fics about the feels I developed in this ep). But, you know, I agree - the chemistry between Miles-Nora is not there anymore. And by "anymore" I mean it only ever existed in the canon of my stories. ;)

But Rachel IS a disease and is contagious. And yet I can't stop shipping her with Miles and Bass, and I found her to be rather appealing with grenade in hand. She's like a small pox blanket! Ooh, the historian in me lept up with joy when Bass said that last night! Jeffrey Amherst reference! *hive fives Bass* Anyone? Anyone?


corycides May 21 2013, 14:27:27 UTC
Although I am going to snark - I mean, have you met me? - I do think this was one of the best episodes post-hiatus. It wasn't perfect, but it was pacy, had a good amount of tension and lots of the characters I like best ( ... )


buttercups3 May 26 2013, 02:42:54 UTC
Anything else: If I was a torturer in a dystopian, military dictatorship I would be scary.

I totally agree with everything you wrote in this paragraph, and I support the idea of Stump Nora. Can we just start calling her that?


ivy_b June 1 2013, 19:30:58 UTC
Best scene(s): Monroe being good at being evil with first Nora and then Randall - 'I don't LIKE you, and I don't trust you'

Weirdly, that was one of my least favorite scenes. I didn't like the rapey undertones to his interaction with Nora- first putting her in a dress and getting someone to do her hair, then the dinner scene and just... I don't like him perving on anyone that's connected to Miles, it's like this half of the season he's constantly jealous of anything he deems "belongs to Miles".

And I didn't like how Randall cowered before Monroe and how he keeps calling him "Sir" and is now at his mercy. I want smirky badass Randall, taking Monroe down a peg and showing him how to be an awesome villain with swagger.

I did get a laugh at "I don't LIKE you"- it sounded like a petulant five year old.

I am hoping Rachel gets to be held captive by Bass for a while - the actors work so well together, and I've found her traipsing around with Aaron to be dull at best. I think my favourite scene was Miles getting his ass handed to him - ( ... )


buttercups3 May 26 2013, 02:56:23 UTC
So guys, with some investigation, I believe I've found a way to unlock my lost comments from last Monday. I knew my degrees would come in handy at some point - just apparently not at posting like a normal person. And I paste below. Just be forewarned, the anticipation is definitely not worth the quality of these remarks. *skips away*

Best scene(s): (1) Jim telling Miles that Miles might as well put on a dress since he's the closest thing Jim's got to a wife after Miles ruined his life, or something to that effect. I love Jim / I hate Jim. Also, who cares? (2) Miles almost confessing his love for Nora there at the end. Nora: "Why were you nice to me?" Miles: "Because you're in my pants." (Slightly adjusted dialogue for poor short-term memory recall.) Oh and I went back to being a Miles-Nora shipper in this episode - sorry kids. (Wait, you ask, there were ever those? I know, but if you've ever been to fanfiction dot net, you've already realized that me and approximately 3 other people on the planet keep that pathetic little pirate ship ( ... )


ivy_b June 1 2013, 19:43:57 UTC
I'm a bit late catching up on the episode.

Can we please get some scenes of Miles, Bass, and Nora from the past? I MISS flashbacks. Poor choice to nix them, writers.I miss the flashbacks as well and this was a perfect episode for them- the writers told us we'd be getting Miles-Nora on the run backstory, what the hell happened? I would love to spend time learning about the dynamic between Bass-Nora-Miles, how Nora and Miles met, them on the run, their sour breakup, etc. I feel like this was the perfect episode to dive abit more into Nora's character (something that's been completely lacking this season), especially with her breaking, her guilt over it and doubting herself ( ... )


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