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gizzi1213 May 21 2013, 04:53:00 UTC
Just a few quick thoughts ( ... )


buttercups3 May 21 2013, 07:25:05 UTC
2. Was there almost a longing "last look" between Monroe and Rachel? Or has the show just gotten me into "look for romance everywhere mode?"

Well, I share your disease. I, too, noted a meaningful look.


gizzi1213 May 21 2013, 11:21:39 UTC
I'm glad to know I wasn't alone in noticing it, but I also feel alarmed that the disease is, apparently, contagious.

This episode was so heavy handed in the treatment of the romance storylines tonight it was almost painful to watch. I mean, Miles FINALLY shows some actual interest in Nora, but he had to get laid before he did. But in this episode he's all sad eyed when Jim asks if there's any news on Nora. And then he's all "It's me" in two scenes, acting the love sick swain. I suppose I should be glad they didn't bring out the sledgehammer and have him start calling her Dear, Honey, Darling, Sweetheart, or some other vomit inducing term of endearment. There is just NO chemistry between the characters or the actors.

Jason and Charlie were at least a bit more believable, as I can fully understand why Charlie wouldn't trust Jason, as Jason himself said, he's lied to her too many times. But it's another plot devise to keep the Romeo and Juliet aspect of their storyline in play.


buttercups3 May 21 2013, 15:39:27 UTC
So I don't really understand how this LJ thing works, since my posts are flagged as spam, but I can reply to others... Can someone explain it all to me? I'm old.

Anyway, Gizzi, you already know I ship Miles-Nora (and have a fairly lengthy post about it on this thread once/if it ever appears), so you won't be shocked when I say that I shipped the you-know-what out of them last night (and will shortly give birth to a million fics about the feels I developed in this ep). But, you know, I agree - the chemistry between Miles-Nora is not there anymore. And by "anymore" I mean it only ever existed in the canon of my stories. ;)

But Rachel IS a disease and is contagious. And yet I can't stop shipping her with Miles and Bass, and I found her to be rather appealing with grenade in hand. She's like a small pox blanket! Ooh, the historian in me lept up with joy when Bass said that last night! Jeffrey Amherst reference! *hive fives Bass* Anyone? Anyone?


penndragon May 22 2013, 15:32:09 UTC
LJ is evil. That usually explains everything :)

Seriously though, I believe the comm is part moderated as the same thing happened to me the other day. It's usually because you included a link in a post or reply that LJ considers to be suspicious. They're usually quite innocent - mine was pointing to a revolution spoiler when LJ took offence and ate my post - but until the link gets added to a whitelist you look like a spammy spammer, and LJ judges you. And me. And everybody :D

I did like the smallpox blanket reference. It made the history geek in me squeak, but I did roll my eyes at yet another 'let's make Monroe even more evil than any evil that has ever gone before' attempt.

Now, go forth and fic like crazy. Then tell us where you post them. Go. Write. Your fandom needs you :D


penndragon May 22 2013, 15:33:24 UTC

Oh, and you have no idea have badly I wanted to go all Big Bang Penny on you. 'What's up, Buttercup!' :D


buttercups3 May 26 2013, 02:27:29 UTC
I love Big Bang, so bring it on at all times. Seriously ya'll, my comments I posted immediately after "Clue" aired still aren't up because they were flagged as spam, so henceforce I'm only replying to comments. The lost post was a long one in which I poured out my guts about about my waning and reigniting passions for canon pairings. Sigh. Anyway...LJ is apparently trying to protect all of you from me. Probably wise in the long run - I am vulgar and maybe a little nutty.


gizzi1213 May 22 2013, 17:03:58 UTC
Buttercups3 posts her fics on fanfiction.net. My personal favorite is Aevum, but I'd recommend all of them, and this coming from a person that doesn't care for the Miles/Nora pairing that she features.. I haven't started her latest one yet, I'm behind on fic reading at the moment.


buttercups3 May 26 2013, 02:38:32 UTC
Thanks, Gizzi - that's my favorite of my Rev stories too. Yes, all my romantic pairings are Miles-Nora or Miles-Rachel. (Sorry - I know it's painful, but it physically pains me to diverge from canon. It's the historian in me.) I've been on a vacation from fanfic lately because end of semester was so busy, but finally my chickies are graduating tomorrow, so I can get to the really important stuff in life like fangirling. Once I'm back in the saddle, I'll start to populate AO3 (FF and I are breaking up after my current story).


ivy_b June 1 2013, 19:17:17 UTC
So I caught up on the last two episodes this weekend, only one more to go before this weird uneven season is finished.

If they reveal Miles as Charlie's father I'm going to be very disappointed in the writers. It's such an obvious soap opera ploy that I just want them to NOT go there.

If they reveal that Miles is Charlie's father, I'm going to scream, break something and stop watching. It's bad enough Monroe now has an instant!grown child out there somewhere, waiting to redeem him. Only thing worse would be if Charlie is Miles' daughter and falls in love with Monroe's son so we can have a real Romeo and Juliet (Jason so doesn't count).

I did like the smallpox blanket reference. It made the history geek in me squeak, but I did roll my eyes at yet another 'let's make Monroe even more evil than any evil that has ever gone before' attempt. I've been so disappointed with Monroe's development this half of the season. He just became a mustache twirling, cat petting one note villain. He and Miles basically mean nothing to one another and ( ... )


gizzi1213 May 22 2013, 17:06:58 UTC
I caught the small pox blanket reference too. At least we know Monroe knows something about history.

I know you write Miles/Nora. It's one reason why I'm behind in reading your latest fic. No reflection on your writing, but more a reflection that the show pushing the pairing has taken a pairing I could tolerate in a well written fic and made it one I don't want to read about at all. And I'm behind on my fic reading at the moment anyway. Eventually I'll get around to reading it.

BTW, you stole my line. Usually I'm the one around here saying that I'm old!!


corycides May 21 2013, 16:41:31 UTC
Even in the preview for next week they have Charlie saying "My parents were behind all this?" Or something to that effect, and then at least in the promo, they cut to Miles.

Has Charlie really not put that together before now? Ah, bless, I love her, but she's not the swiftest swallow in the flock is she?


gizzi1213 May 22 2013, 16:58:38 UTC
I think it's more about knowing they were behind the Blackout as opposed to actually SEEING the magnitude of the project/work they were involved in. I think even if she knew her entire life that her parents were scientists/engineers, whatever they were, and actually saw the scope of what they developed at the Tower, she'd have still been overwhelmed.


penndragon May 22 2013, 15:44:59 UTC
1. Truthfully, I have no idea. It will likely turn out to be a dark science team, who've been sitting there with light and power and Lionel Ritchie music for 15 years.

But if I have a choice then I'm voting for doppelgangers. I want doppel:Ben, and doppel:Danny, and doppel:everyone who might die but I don't want to die. I definitely want a doppel:Julia because I suspect that hypothermia story of Tom's was a crock of brown, and by hypothermia he actually means sitting in a Georgian freezer waiting to be hacked into long pork. And yes, I have renamed him Captains BirdsEye in my head. No-one can stop me :)

2. There was definitely a look. I also thought she called him Bass (or, as some on tumblr insist, 'Miles' :)) But as I thought Bass called Jeremy 'Kevin' a couple of weeks ago, I may just need my hearing checked.

If they reveal Miles as Charlie's father I'm going to be very disappointed in the writers. It's such an obvious soap opera ploy that I just want them to NOT go there.


gizzi1213 May 22 2013, 17:00:06 UTC
Oh, did someone on Tumblr think Rachel said "Miles?" My co-worker thought she heard the same thing! I rewatched the scene and she definitely calls him Bass after she's in the tent, but she does make some harder to understand noise to get his attention when she's walking in.


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