Two short spoilers

Jan 10, 2013 15:04

Two short snippets of spoilers from Ask Ausiello and Mega Buzz.

Spoilers on Jeremy, Randall and a new character )

(misc): media, (misc): spoilers, (misc): news

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Comments 9

mustbethursday3 January 10 2013, 13:10:19 UTC

Science. Jeremy. Backstory. Randall.

And Rachel knowing new scientist guy from the before ...I LIKE IT. VERY MUCH.

(what we knew) "A tense scientist who loves to build weapons" and (what we now know) "he's an old scientist colleague of Rachel's"? That's gold...and just need him to be eccentric, I don't think that's too much to ask given the actor.

And also: "They're in this mysterious location. and we'll learn what [it] is. We'll learn what Randall wants, what he's doing and indeed how dangerous he is and how it'll affect our heroes."


(*dances* answers, I love answers. They make me haaaaappppy)

Yay for more scientist colleagues for Rachel to stab to help them get their own power.

*chuckles* If she stabs anymore people they're going to need to give her an intervention, like lump it into the intervention needed for Miles and Aaron's drinking problems. Danny can make a banner. Nora can be judgemental. Charlie can stare them all down ( ... )


ivy_b January 10 2013, 14:02:59 UTC
And Rachel knowing new scientist guy from the before ...I LIKE IT. VERY MUCH.

(what we knew) "A tense scientist who loves to build weapons" and (what we now know) "he's an old scientist colleague of Rachel's"? That's gold...and just need him to be eccentric, I don't think that's too much to ask given the actor.

Right, I forgot about that spoiler. I don't remember seeing the actor in anything, is he good? The big question I guess is who is he building weapons for.


He's been running a hippy commune, or something innocuous like that. HE JUST WANTS THEM ALL TO BE FRIENDS!!! I can't wait to hear more about him/what he wants.

*chuckles* If she stabs anymore people they're going to need to give her an intervention, like lump it into the intervention needed for Miles and Aaron's drinking problems. Danny can make a banner. Nora can be judgemental. Charlie can stare them all down, so they'll sit there and listen.I blame your for this ( ... )


mustbethursday3 January 10 2013, 14:29:53 UTC
I feel like this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship built quite substantially on Crack and supported by spoilers.

I hope this isn't offensive to say, but this was perfect. I love it more than your crack fic - just a touch more, coz it flows so damn well and is so so so cracky (you're getting the hang of it girl, I'm so proud of you) and hilarious with every line.

I blame your for this.

People keep saying that. But, *shrugs* I'm just a helpless bystander to all these things happening around me (*giggles evilly*)

Charlie: "And Derek?"

Rachel: "He was severely injured, it was a mercy killing."

Nora: "He sprained his ankle!"
*snorts* and JASON-NATE-NIPPLES-SPIDERMAN-NEVILLE you killed him off using a misunderstood hug, Ivy. (You're right tho, Mama Matheson is not going to be too happy to have a Neville sniffing around her daughter - I hadn't even thought of that. Surely Rachel'll make him bugger off?) BY A HUG. OMG. DEATH BY HUG. And I can picture Aaron just standing there going, "Well, that escalated quickly," and covering ( ... )


ivy_b January 10 2013, 14:56:17 UTC
I hope this isn't offensive to say, but this was perfect. I love it more than your crack fic - just a touch more, coz it flows so damn well and is so so so cracky (you're getting the hang of it girl, I'm so proud of you) and hilarious with every line.

I'll try not to spiral in a self deprecating "Oh no, the crack fic I worked and toiled over isn't loved half as much as a two minute ficlet I wrote on the fly", LOL. The problem with these fics is figuring out the how to end them on a fun note, instead of it sizzling out.

*snorts* and JASON-NATE-NIPPLES-SPIDERMAN-NEVILLE you killed him off using a misunderstood hug, Ivy. (You're right tho, Mama Matheson is not going to be too happy to have a Neville sniffing around her daughter - I hadn't even thought of that. Surely Rachel'll make him bugger off?) BY A HUG. OMG. DEATH BY HUG. And I can picture Aaron just standing there going, "Well, that escalated quickly," and covering Danny's eyes.Technically I've only said she stabbed him, he might still be alive. Isn't death by a hug like the ( ... )


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