Two short spoilers

Jan 10, 2013 15:04

Two short snippets of spoilers from Ask Ausiello and Mega Buzz.

Spoilers on Jeremy, Randall and a new character )

(misc): media, (misc): spoilers, (misc): news

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ivy_b January 10 2013, 14:56:17 UTC
I hope this isn't offensive to say, but this was perfect. I love it more than your crack fic - just a touch more, coz it flows so damn well and is so so so cracky (you're getting the hang of it girl, I'm so proud of you) and hilarious with every line.

I'll try not to spiral in a self deprecating "Oh no, the crack fic I worked and toiled over isn't loved half as much as a two minute ficlet I wrote on the fly", LOL. The problem with these fics is figuring out the how to end them on a fun note, instead of it sizzling out.

*snorts* and JASON-NATE-NIPPLES-SPIDERMAN-NEVILLE you killed him off using a misunderstood hug, Ivy. (You're right tho, Mama Matheson is not going to be too happy to have a Neville sniffing around her daughter - I hadn't even thought of that. Surely Rachel'll make him bugger off?) BY A HUG. OMG. DEATH BY HUG. And I can picture Aaron just standing there going, "Well, that escalated quickly," and covering Danny's eyes.

Technically I've only said she stabbed him, he might still be alive. Isn't death by a hug like the funniest thing ever? I kept trying to find excuses for Rachel to stab people and that seemed an awesome reason. LOL, I imagine Aaron being all: "What the hell just happened? Since when did Rachel become Lizzie Borden all of a sudden?"

Do you know how much I adore the idea of Charlie not knowing what that means - I'm assuming that was innuendo - and love the idea of Rachel blanching at the idea of having to talk about Miles sex life, or anything like that in the middle of this random intervention that her kids have cooked up - as being one step too far into the crazy.

LOL, I kinda get the feeling she does understand. Yes it's an innuendo, I should have probably said "take out your sword" but unsheathe is such a cooler word (drunk Miles agrees with me). LOL, talking about any of their sex lives would get Rachel to need the drinking problem intervention as well.

I can really see everyone's faces (and hear their voices) so clearly. Your dialogue is amazing.

And Danny's so happy go lucky, I even love him a bit. (WUT?)

I suck at descriptive writing, so I rely on dialogue and plot. I should totally write scripts. God it's been fun writing Danny, cause I really don't care about him as a character, so trying to write for him and making him relevant is a nice challenge. Maybe one day I'll write for Jason! *shudders the thought*

He was in one of the Alien movies, I think (his face is familiar, I can picture him freaking out but can't remember it well) of the sequels, generally he plays quite nervous, twitchy people I think. ALTHO it was an Alien movie - so basically everyone knows they're going to die as soon as the Aliens break out XD

Just to keep it semi on topic, LOL. It's my thread, I can derail it if I want to. I think I only saw parts of Alien/s, though my brother made me watch "Prometheus" (it was part of our agreement that got him to watch Revolution). I like twitchy people, I hope this scientist guys leaves a bit more of an impression than Jaffe did- maybe he'll even stick around for a bit?


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